OAR 660-027-0050
Factors for Designation of Lands as Urban Reserves

Urban Reserve Factors: When identifying and selecting lands for designation as urban reserves under this division, Metro shall base its decision on consideration of whether land proposed for designation as urban reserves, alone or in conjunction with land inside the UGB:


Can be developed at urban densities in a way that makes efficient use of existing and future public and private infrastructure investments;


Includes sufficient development capacity to support a healthy economy;


Can be efficiently and cost-effectively served with public schools and other urban-level public facilities and services by appropriate and financially capable service providers;


Can be designed to be walkable and served with a well-connected system of streets, bikeways, recreation trails and public transit by appropriate service providers;


Can be designed to preserve and enhance natural ecological systems;


Includes sufficient land suitable for a range of needed housing types;


Can be developed in a way that preserves important natural landscape features included in urban reserves; and


Can be designed to avoid or minimize adverse effects on farm and forest practices, and adverse effects on important natural landscape features, on nearby land including land designated as rural reserves.

Source: Rule 660-027-0050 — Factors for Designation of Lands as Urban Reserves, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=660-027-0050.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 660-027-0050’s source at or​.us