OAR 690-017-0700
Cancellation Hearing


If the Department receives a protest to the proposed cancellation of a water right within the prescribed 60-day period, a hearing on the protest shall be scheduled. The protestant shall be given not less than 10 days notice of the hearing time and place.


The hearing shall be held by the Department’s Hearings Referee, and shall be conducted under the provisions of ORS 183.310 (Definitions for chapter) to 183.550 pertaining to contested cases.


In contested case hearings where the initial determination was made that the presumption of forfeiture had not been rebutted, the owner may offer additional evidence in support of rebuttal.


After the hearing the Hearings Referee shall enter a proposed order:


Cancelling the water right;


Cancelling in part or modifying the water right; or


Declaring that the water right shall not be cancelled or modified.


If no exceptions or objections to the proposed order are filed within the time allowed, the Hearings Referee shall issue a final order.

Source: Rule 690-017-0700 — Cancellation Hearing, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=690-017-0700.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 690-017-0700’s source at or​.us