OAR 125-010-0005
Contract Review Board Services to Local Public Agencies


The Department of Administrative Services, hereafter referred to as “Department,” is authorized by ORS 190.240 (Furnishing of services by state agency to federal and local governmental units), 279.055 and Chapter 690 Oregon Laws 1983 to contract with Oregon public agencies to function as their contract review board. In this capacity, the Department will be responsible for adopting and administering rules governing public contracting, considering requests for exemptions from public contracting requirements, and hearing appeals from disqualification decisions of the local public agency, pursuant to ORS 279.043 and 279.045.


A local public agency should direct its formal written request for services from its governing body to: Director, Department of Administrative Services, c/o Administrator, Transportation, Purchasing and Print Services Division, 1225 Ferry Street S.E., Salem, Oregon 97310.


Upon receipt of such written request, the Department shall forward for signature to the local public agency an intergovernmental agreement on a form prescribed by the Department. No services shall be provided by the Department without a signed intergovernmental agreement.


The provision of contract review board functions by the Department shall be subject to the total of the following charges for service:


Annual Maintenance Charge — $300 includes responding to telephone inquiries and explaining Department rules, providing copies of current administrative rules and other required forms;


Individual exemption requests will be charged according to the following: The hourly rate charged to the local public agency for the Attorney General’s services will be the same hourly rate charged to the Department by the Attorney General. In addition, the hourly rate charged to the local public agency by the Department for review of exemption requests will be 90% of the standard hourly rate charged by the Attorney General; and

Source: Rule 125-010-0005 — Contract Review Board Services to Local Public Agencies, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=125-010-0005.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 125-010-0005’s source at or​.us