OAR 137-048-0210
Informal Selection Procedure


Contracting Agencies may use the informal selection procedure described in this rule to obtain a Contract if the Estimated Fee is expected not to exceed $250,000.
(2) Contracting Agencies using the informal selection procedure on the basis of qualifications alone or, for Related Services, on the basis of price and qualifications shall:
(a) Create a request for Proposals (“RFP”) that includes at a minimum the following:
(A) A description of the Project for which a Consultant’s Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services or Related Services are needed and a description of the Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services or Related Services that will be required under the resulting Contract;
(B) The anticipated Contract performance schedule;
(C) Conditions or limitations, if any, that may constrain or prohibit the selected Consultant’s ability to provide additional services related to the Project, including construction services;
(D) The date and time Proposals are due and other directions for submitting Proposals;
(E) Criteria upon which the most qualified Consultant will be selected. Selection criteria may include, but are not limited to, the following:
(i) The amount and type of resources and number of experienced staff the Consultant has committed to perform the Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services or Related Services described in the RFP within the applicable time limits, including the current and projected workloads of such staff and the proportion of time such staff would have available for the Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services or Related Services;
(ii) Proposed management techniques for the Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services or Related Services described in the RFP;
(iii) A Consultant’s capability, experience and past performance history and record in providing similar Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services or Related Services, including but not limited to quality of work, ability to meet schedules, cost control methods and Contract administration practices;
(iv) A Consultant’s approach to Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services or Related Services described in the RFP and design philosophy, if applicable;
(v) A Consultant’s geographic proximity to and familiarity with the physical location of the Project;
(vi) Volume of work, if any, previously awarded to a Consultant, with the objective of effecting equitable distribution of Contracts among qualified Consultants, provided such distribution does not violate the principle of selecting the most qualified Consultant for the type of professional services required;
(vii) A Consultant’s ownership status and employment practices regarding women, minorities and emerging small businesses or historically underutilized businesses;
(viii) Whether the Consultant owes a liquidated and delinquent debt to the State of Oregon; and
(ix) If the Contracting Agency is selecting a Consultant to provide Related Service, pricing policies and pricing proposals or other pricing information, including the number of hours proposed for the services required, expenses, hourly rates and overhead.
(F) A Statement that Proposers responding to the RFP do so solely at their expense, and Contracting Agency is not responsible for any Proposer expenses associated with the RFP;
(G) A statement directing Proposers to the protest procedures set forth in these Division 48 rules; and
(H) A sample form of the Contract.
(b) Provide an RFP to a minimum of five (5) prospective Consultants. If fewer than five (5) prospective Consultants are available, Contracting Agencies shall provide the RFP to all available prospective Consultants and shall maintain a written record of the Contracting Agencies’ efforts to locate available prospective Consultants for the RFP. Contracting Agencies shall draw prospective Consultants from:
(A) The Contracting Agency’s list of Consultants that is created and maintained under OAR 137-048-0120 (List of Interested Consultants; Performance Record) (List of Interested Consultants; Performance Record);
(B) Another Contracting Agency’s list of Consultants that is created and maintained under OAR 137-048-0120 (List of Interested Consultants; Performance Record) (List of Interested Consultants; Performance Record); or
(C) All Consultants that the Contracting Agency reasonably can locate that offer the desired Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services or Related Services, or any combination of the foregoing.
(c) Review and rank all Proposals received according to the criteria set forth in the RFP, and select the three highest ranked Proposers.
(3) Contracting Agencies using the informal selection procedure for Related Services on the basis of price Proposals and other pricing information alone shall:
(a) Create an RFP that includes at a minimum the following:
(B) The anticipated Contract performance schedule;
(C) Conditions or limitations, if any, that may constrain or prohibit the selected Consultant’s ability to provide additional services related to the Project, including construction services;
(D) The date and time Proposals are due and other directions for submitting Proposals;
(E) Any minimum or pass-fail qualifications that the Proposers must meet, including but not limited to any such qualifications in the subject matter areas described in section (2)(a)(E)(i) through section (2)(a)(E)(viii) of this rule that are related to the Related Services described in the RFP;
(F) Pricing criteria upon which the highest ranked Consultant will be selected. Pricing criteria may include, but are not limited to, the total price for the Related Services described in the RFP, Consultant pricing policies and other pricing information such as the Consultant’s estimated number of staff hours needed to perform the Related Services described in the RFP, expenses, hourly rates and overhead;
(G) A statement directing Proposers to the protest procedures set forth in these Division 48 rules; and
(H) A sample form of the Contract.
(b) Provide the RFP to a minimum of five (5) prospective Consultants. If fewer than five (5) prospective Consultants are available, Contracting Agencies shall provide the RFP to all available prospective Consultants and shall maintain a written record of the Contracting Agencies’ efforts to locate available prospective Consultants for the RFP. Contracting Agencies shall draw prospective Consultants from:
(A) The Contracting Agency’s list of Consultants that is created and maintained under OAR 137-048-0120 (List of Interested Consultants; Performance Record) (List of Interested Consultants; Performance Record);
(B) Another Contracting Agency’s list of Consultants that is created and maintained under OAR 137-048-0120 (List of Interested Consultants; Performance Record) (List of Interested Consultants; Performance Record); or
(C) All Consultants that the Contracting Agency reasonably can locate that offer the desired Related Services; and.
(c) Review and rank all responsive Proposals received, according to the total price for the Related Services described in the RFP, Consultant pricing policies and other pricing information requested in the RFP, including but not limited to the number of hours proposed for the Related Services required, expenses, hourly rates and overhead, and select the three highest-ranked Proposers.
(4) If the Contracting Agency does not cancel the RFP after it reviews the Proposals and ranks each Proposer, the Contracting Agency will begin negotiating a Contract with the highest ranked Proposer. The Contracting Agency shall direct Contract negotiations toward discussing, refining and finalizing the following:
(a) The specific scope of Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services or Related Services to be provided by the Consultant;
(b) The Consultant’s performance obligations and performance schedule;
(c) Payment methodology, Consultant’s rates and number of hours, and a maximum amount payable to the Consultant for the Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services or Related Services required under the Contract that is fair and reasonable to the Contracting Agency as determined solely by the Contracting Agency, taking into account the value, scope, complexity and nature of the Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services or Related Services; and
(d) Any other conditions or provisions the Contracting Agency believes to be in the Contracting Agency’s best interest to negotiate.
(5) The Contracting Agency shall, either orally or in writing, formally terminate negotiations with the highest ranked Proposer, if the Contracting Agency and the Proposer are unable for any reason to reach agreement on a Contract within a reasonable amount of time. The Contracting Agency may thereafter negotiate with the second ranked Proposer, and if necessary, with the third ranked Proposer, in accordance with section (4) of this rule, until negotiations result in a Contract. If negotiations with any of the top three Proposers do not result in a Contract within a reasonable amount of time, the Contracting Agency may end the particular informal solicitation and thereafter may proceed with a new informal solicitation under this rule or proceed with a formal solicitation under OAR 137-048-0220 (Formal Selection Procedure) (Formal Selection Procedure).
(6) Local Contracting Agencies using the informal selection procedure for Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services, when the Local Contracting Agencies will be using pricing policies, proposals or other pricing information as part of the Local Contracting Agencies’ screening and selection of prospective Consultants, pursuant to ORS 279C.110 (Selection procedures for consultants to provide services)(5) [HB 2769 (Oregon Laws 2019, Chapter 55)], shall:
(a) Create an RFP that meets the requirements of ORS 279C.110 (Selection procedures for consultants to provide services)(5)(a) In providing an estimate of the cost of the Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services described in the RFP, the Local Contracting Agency may provide a specific estimate of that cost, or a range of estimated costs;
(b) Provide the RFP to a minimum of five (5) prospective Consultants. If fewer than five (5) prospective Consultants are available, the Local Contracting Agency shall provide the RFP to all available prospective Consultants and shall maintain a written record of the Local Contracting Agency’s efforts to locate available prospective Consultants for the RFP. The Local Contracting Agency shall draw prospective Consultants from:
(A) The Local Contracting Agency’s list of Consultants that is created and maintained under OAR 137-048-0120 (List of Interested Consultants; Performance Record) (List of Interested Consultants; Performance Record);
(B) Another Contracting Agency’s list of Consultants that is created and maintained under OAR 137-048-0120 (List of Interested Consultants; Performance Record) (List of Interested Consultants; Performance Record); or
(C) All Consultants that the Local Contracting Agency reasonably can locate that offer the desired Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services, or any combination of the foregoing.
(c) In the initial phase of the RFP, evaluate each prospective Consultant on the basis of each Consultant’s qualifications to perform the Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services described in the RFP, with those qualifications including the criteria set forth in subsections (2)(a)(E)(i) through (2)(a)(E)(viii) of this rule;
(d) At the end of the initial phase of the RFP, announce the evaluation scores of each Consultant and rank each Consultant according to the evaluation scores. The Local Contracting Agency shall identify up to three (3) of the highest ranked prospective Consultants as being qualified to perform the Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services described in the RFP, and as being eligible to participate in the second phase of the RFP process;
(e) In the second phase of the RFP, request a pricing proposal from the highest ranked prospective Consultants identified in the initial phase of the RFP, with that pricing proposal to meet the requirements of ORS 279C.110 (Selection procedures for consultants to provide services)(5)(c)(A) and (B);
(f) Complete the evaluation of the highest ranked prospective Consultants that have decided to provide price proposals. In the Local Contracting Agency’s final evaluation of the prospective Consultants who have provided price proposals, the Local Contracting Agency cannot assign more than fifteen (15) percent of the overall weight of the evaluation criteria in the second phase of the RFP to each Consultant’s price proposal;
(g) If the Local Contracting Agency does not cancel the RFP after it reviews the qualifications of all prospective Consultants and the price proposals received from the highest ranked Consultants and ranks the highest ranked Consultants from the second phase of the RFP, begin negotiating a Contract with the highest ranked prospective Consultant. The Local Contracting Agency shall direct Contract negotiations toward discussing, refining and finalizing the following:
(A) The specific scope of Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services or Related Services to be provided by the Consultant;
(B) The Consultant’s performance obligations and performance schedule;
(C) The Consultant’s payment methodology, rates and number of hours, and a maximum amount payable to the Consultant for the Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services required under the Contract that is fair and reasonable to the Local Contracting Agency as determined solely by the Local Contracting Agency, taking into account the value, scope, complexity and nature of the Architectural, Engineering, Photogrammetric Mapping, Transportation Planning or Land Surveying Services; and
(D) Any other conditions or provisions the Local Contracting Agency believes to be in the Local Contracting Agency’s best interest to negotiate; and
(h) The Local Contracting Agency shall, either orally or in writing, formally terminate negotiations with the highest ranked Consultant, if the Local Contracting Agency and the Consultant are unable for any reason to reach agreement on a Contract within a reasonable amount of time. The Local Contracting Agency may thereafter negotiate with the second ranked Consultant, and if necessary, with the third ranked Consultant, in accordance with section (6)(g) of this rule, until negotiations result in a Contract. If negotiations with any of the top three prospective Consultants do not result in a Contract within a reasonable amount of time, the Local Contracting Agency may end the particular informal solicitation and thereafter may proceed with a new informal solicitation under this rule or proceed with a formal solicitation under OAR 137-048-0220 (Formal Selection Procedure) (Formal Selection Procedure).
(7) When the Estimated Fee in an informal selection procedure under this rule is expected not to exceed $150,000, the Contracting Agency is only required to provide the RFP under sections (2), (3) and (6) of this rule to three (3) prospective Consultants. If fewer than three (3) prospective Consultants are available, the Contracting Agency shall provide the RFP to all available prospective Consultants and shall maintain a written record of the Contracting Agency’s efforts to locate available prospective Consultants for the RFP.
(8) The Contracting Agency shall terminate the informal selection procedure and proceed with the formal selection procedure under OAR 137-048-0220 (Formal Selection Procedure) if the scope of the anticipated Contract is revised during negotiations so that the Estimated Fee will exceed $250,000.

Source: Rule 137-048-0210 — Informal Selection Procedure, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=137-048-0210.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 137-048-0210’s source at or​.us