Authority for Rules 137‑076‑0005
Scope of Rules 137‑076‑0010
Definitions 137‑076‑0015
Authority of Administrator and Program Director 137‑076‑0016
Eligibility Criteria 137‑076‑0017
Contributory Conduct 137‑076‑0019
Fee Schedules 137‑076‑0020
Definition of Reasonable Expenses 137‑076‑0025
Lost Earnings and Loss of Support Compensation 137‑076‑0030
Good Cause for Extending Application Deadline 137‑076‑0032
Suspension of Application for Compensation 137‑076‑0034
Request to Withdraw or Close an Application 137‑076‑0037
Payment of Catastrophic Injury Claims 137‑076‑0040
Payment of Benefits 137‑076‑0043
Submission of Bills 137‑076‑0045
Emergency Award 137‑076‑0050
Payment of Dependency Awards for Minors 137‑076‑0055
Fraudulent Information 137‑076‑0056
Reconsideration Requests 137‑076‑0065
Negotiated Settlements 137‑076‑0070
Payment of Grants Under ORS 147.231
Authority for Rules 137‑076‑0005
Scope of Rules 137‑076‑0010
Definitions 137‑076‑0015
Authority of Administrator and Program Director 137‑076‑0016
Eligibility Criteria 137‑076‑0017
Contributory Conduct 137‑076‑0019
Fee Schedules 137‑076‑0020
Definition of Reasonable Expenses 137‑076‑0025
Lost Earnings and Loss of Support Compensation 137‑076‑0030
Good Cause for Extending Application Deadline 137‑076‑0032
Suspension of Application for Compensation 137‑076‑0034
Request to Withdraw or Close an Application 137‑076‑0037
Payment of Catastrophic Injury Claims 137‑076‑0040
Payment of Benefits 137‑076‑0043
Submission of Bills 137‑076‑0045
Emergency Award 137‑076‑0050
Payment of Dependency Awards for Minors 137‑076‑0055
Fraudulent Information 137‑076‑0056
Reconsideration Requests 137‑076‑0065
Negotiated Settlements 137‑076‑0070
Payment of Grants Under ORS 147.231