OAR 162-050-0030
Audit Selection Criteria
Mandated audits — audits required by law (one-time or recurring audits);(2)
Issues relating to an agency or program mission — audits that can help an agency better achieve its mission;(3)
Audits of agencies — audits of agencies and/or important programs within agencies that have not been audited for some time;(4)
Public safety/vulnerable populations — topics relating to public safety and protecting vulnerable populations (e.g., emergency preparedness, child welfare);(5)
Significant challenges facing the state — topics can involve multiple agencies and/or levels of government (e.g., improving K-12 education, workforce development and economic development)(6)
Cost savings, revenue enhancements — topics that have potential to produce significant cost savings or large increases in revenue;(7)
Efficiency and effectiveness — topics that have the potential for increased economy, efficiency, or effectiveness of a program;(8)
High risk topics/large impacts — topics that are high risk, where we suspect the controls in place over a program are weak, and the resulting effects potentially large;(9)
Troubled agencies/programs — multiple ideas/problems at a single agency or program;(10)
Emerging/time sensitive issues — agencies facing emerging issues or problems, or trying to design more effective service delivery options for key programs.
Rule 162-050-0030 — Audit Selection Criteria, https://secure.sos.state.or.us/oard/view.action?ruleNumber=162-050-0030