OAR 291-032-0010
Authority and Purpose

(1) Authority: The authority for these rules is granted to the Director of the Department of Corrections in accordance with ORS 179.040 (General powers and duties), 197.180 (State agency planning responsibilities), 423.020 (Department of Corrections), 423.030 (Department not limited by ORS 423.020) and 423.075 (Director).
(2) Purpose: The purpose of these rules is to establish the procedures to be used by the Department in implementing the provisions of its State Agency Coordination Program, as required by ORS 197.180 (State agency planning responsibilities) and applicable Department of Land Conservation and Development rules. The Department’s state agency coordination program will assure that the Department’s land use programs comply with the statewide planning goals and will be compatible with acknowledged city and county comprehensive plans and land use regulation:
(a) It is the intent of these rules to describe how the Department will carry out its statutory responsibility to site and establish correctional institutions and facilities;
(b) These rules are not intended to apply to the establishment of correctional facilities under any temporary provisions of Oregon law which may authorize the siting of institutions notwithstanding the requirements of ORS 197.180 (State agency planning responsibilities). These rules also are not meant to authorize local governments to prevent the Department from carrying out its statutory responsibility to operate, control, manage or supervise correctional institutions.

Source: Rule 291-032-0010 — Authority and Purpose, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=291-032-0010.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 291-032-0010’s source at or​.us