OAR 333-052-0130


Markets and farmers are entitled to a hearing as provided by the Administrative Procedures Act ( ORS Chapter 183 (Administrative Procedures Act)) for a denial of participation, imposition of a sanction, or disqualification.


Markets and farmers may not be entitled to a hearing under the Administrative Procedures Act to challenge:


The validity or appropriateness of the Authority’s selection criteria for farmer or market participation;


The validity or appropriateness of the Authority’s participant access determinations;


The duration or expiration of a farmer or market agreement; or


An Authority decision regarding a check payment or claims.


The Authority may, at its discretion, permit the market or farmer to continue participating in the program pending the outcome of an administrative hearing. The farmer may be required to repay funds for FDNP checks redeemed during the pendency of the hearing, depending on the hearing outcome.


A request for a hearing must be in writing and must be received within 30 days from the date of the notice describing the proposed action.


The request for hearing must include:


The name and address of the farmer or market requesting the hearing;


The name and address of the attorney representing the farmer or market, if any;


The decision made or action taken by the Authority against the farmer or market;


The reason the farmer or market disagrees with the decision or action;


Any special needs or requirements, such as, an interpreter or other special accommodations; and


An attached copy of the notice from the Authority.


If a hearing is requested under subsection (1) of this rule, a final written decision must be made within 60 days from the date the request for a hearing was received by the WIC Operations Manager. The time for issuing a decision may be extended upon agreement by the parties.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-052-0130’s source at or​.us