OAR 333-520-0035
Pharmacy Services


A general hospital is required to have an on site pharmacy and a pharmacist on call 247 to staff the pharmacy.


Low occupancy acute care hospitals and mental or psychiatric hospitals may have an on-site pharmacy or a drug room.


Low occupancy acute care hospitals and mental or psychiatric hospitals shall have appropriately trained pharmacy staff on-site or on-call 247.


A pharmacy in a hospital shall comply with the applicable requirements in ORS Chapter 689 (Pharmacists) and OAR chapter 855, including 855-041-0120 through 855-041-0132.


A drug room in a hospital shall comply with the applicable requirements in ORS Chapter 689 (Pharmacists) and OAR 855-041-0135 through 855-041-0140.


All hospitals, regardless of classification shall dispose of old medications, including special prescriptions for patients who have left the hospital, by incineration or another equally effective method, except narcotics and other drugs under the drug abuse law, which shall be handled in the manner prescribed by the Drug Enforcement Administration of the U.S. Department of Justice.

Source: Rule 333-520-0035 — Pharmacy Services, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 333-520-0035’s source at