OAR 340-035-0035
Noise Control Regulations for Industry and Commerce


Standards and Regulations:


Existing Noise Sources. No person owning or controlling an existing industrial or commercial noise source shall cause or permit the operation of that noise source if the statistical noise levels generated by that source and measured at an appropriate measurement point, specified in subsection (3)(b) of this rule, exceed the levels specified in Table 7, except as otherwise provided in these rules. [Table not included. See ED. NOTE.]


New Noise Sources:


New Sources Located on Previously Used Sites. No person owning or controlling a new industrial or commercial noise source located on a previously used industrial or commercial site shall cause or permit the operation of that noise source if the statistical noise levels generated by that new source and measured at an appropriate measurement point, specified in subsection (3)(b) of this rule, exceed the levels specified in Table 8, except as otherwise provided in these rules. For noise levels generated by a wind energy facility including wind turbines of any size and any associated equipment or machinery, subparagraph (1)(b)(B)(iii) applies. [Table not included. See ED. NOTE.]


New Sources Located on Previously Unused Site:
No person owning or controlling a new industrial or commercial noise source located on a previously unused industrial or commercial site shall cause or permit the operation of that noise source if the noise levels generated or indirectly caused by that noise source increase the ambient statistical noise levels, L10 or L50, by more than 10 dBA in any one hour, or exceed the levels specified in Table 8, as measured at an appropriate measurement point, as specified in subsection (3)(b) of this rule, except as specified in subparagraph (1)(b)(B)(iii).
The ambient statistical noise level of a new industrial or commercial noise source on a previously unused industrial or commercial site shall include all noises generated or indirectly caused by or attributable to that source including all of its related activities. Sources exempted from the requirements of section (1) of this rule, which are identified in subsections (5)(b)–(f), (j), and (k) of this rule, shall not be excluded from this ambient measurement.
For noise levels generated or caused by a wind energy facility:


The increase in ambient statistical noise levels is based on an assumed background L50 ambient noise level of 26 dBA or the actual ambient background level. The person owning the wind energy facility may conduct measurements to determine the actual ambient L10 and L50 background level.


The “actual ambient background level” is the measured noise level at the appropriate measurement point as specified in subsection (3)(b) of this rule using generally accepted noise engineering measurement practices. Background noise measurements shall be obtained at the appropriate measurement point, synchronized with wind speed measurements of hub height conditions at the nearest wind turbine location. “Actual ambient background level” does not include noise generated or caused by the wind energy facility.


The noise levels from a wind energy facility may increase the ambient statistical noise levels L10 and L50 by more than 10 dBA (but not above the limits specified in Table 8), if the person who owns the noise sensitive property executes a legally effective easement or real covenant that benefits the property on which the wind energy facility is located. The easement or covenant must authorize the wind energy facility to increase the ambient statistical noise levels, L10 or L50 on the sensitive property by more than 10 dBA at the appropriate measurement point.


For purposes of determining whether a proposed wind energy facility would satisfy the ambient noise standard where a landowner has not waived the standard, noise levels at the appropriate measurement point are predicted assuming that all of the proposed wind facility’s turbines are operating between cut-in speed and the wind speed corresponding to the maximum sound power level established by IEC 61400-11 (version 2002-12). These predictions must be compared to the highest of either the assumed ambient noise level of 26 dBA or to the actual ambient background L10 and L50 noise level, if measured. The facility complies with the noise ambient background standard if this comparison shows that the increase in noise is not more than 10 dBA over this entire range of wind speeds.


For purposes of determining whether an operating wind energy facility complies with the ambient noise standard where a landowner has not waived the standard, noise levels at the appropriate measurement point are measured when the facility’s nearest wind turbine is operating over the entire range of wind speeds between cut-in speed and the wind speed corresponding to the maximum sound power level and no turbine that could contribute to the noise level is disabled. The facility complies with the noise ambient background standard if the increase in noise over either the assumed ambient noise level of 26 dBA or to the actual ambient background L10 and L50 noise level, if measured, is not more than 10 dBA over this entire range of wind speeds.


For purposes of determining whether a proposed wind energy facility would satisfy the Table 8 standards, noise levels at the appropriate measurement point are predicted by using the turbine’s maximum sound power level following procedures established by IEC 61400-11 (version 2002-12), and assuming that all of the proposed wind facility’s turbines are operating at the maximum sound power level. [Table not included. See ED. NOTE.]


For purposes of determining whether an operating wind energy facility satisfies the Table 8 standards, noise generated by the energy facility is measured at the appropriate measurement point when the facility’s nearest wind turbine is operating at the wind speed corresponding to the maximum sound power level and no turbine that could contribute to the noise level is disabled. [Table not included. See ED. NOTE.]


Quiet Areas. No person owning or controlling an industrial or commercial noise source located either within the boundaries of a quiet area or outside its boundaries shall cause or permit the operation of that noise source if the statistical noise levels generated by that source exceed the levels specified in Table 9 as measured within the quiet area and not less than 400 feet (122 meters) from the noise source. [Table not included. See ED. NOTE.]


Impulse Sound. Notwithstanding the noise rules in Tables 7 through 9, no person owning or controlling an industrial or commercial noise source shall cause or permit the operation of that noise source if an impulsive sound is emitted in air by that source which exceeds the sound pressure levels specified below, as measured at an appropriate measurement point, as specified in subsection (3)(b) of this rule: [Table not included. See ED. NOTE.]


Blasting. 98 dBC, slow response, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. and 93 dBC, slow response, between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.


All Other Impulse Sounds. 100 dB, peak response, between the hours of 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. and 80 dB, peak response, between the hours of 10 p.m. and 7 a.m.


Octave Bands and Audible Discrete Tones. When the Director has reasonable cause to believe that the requirements of subsection (1)(a), (b), or (c) of this rule do not adequately protect the health, safety, or welfare of the public as provided for in ORS Chapter 467 (Noise Control), the Department may require the noise source to meet the following rules:


Octave Bands. No person owning or controlling an industrial or commercial noise source shall cause or permit the operation of that noise source if such operation generates a median octave band sound pressure level which, as measured at an appropriate measurement point, specified in subsection (3)(b) of this rule, exceeds applicable levels specified in Table 10. [Table not included. See ED. NOTE.]


One-third Octave Band. No person owning or controlling an industrial or commercial noise source shall cause or permit the operation of that noise source if such operation generates a median one-third octave band sound pressure level which, as measured at an appropriate measurement point, specified in subsection (3)(b) of this rule, and in a one-third octave band at a preferred frequency, exceeds the arithmetic average of the median sound pressure levels of the two adjacent one-third octave bands by:
5 dB for such one-third octave band with a center frequency from 500 Hertz to 10,000 Hertz, inclusive. Provided: Such one-third octave band sound pressure level exceeds the sound pressure level of each adjacent one-third octave band; or
8 dB for such one-third octave band with a center frequency from 160 Hertz to 400 Hertz, inclusive. Provided: Such one-third octave band sound pressure level exceeds the sound pressure level of each adjacent one-third octave band; or
15 dB for such one-third octave band with a center frequency from 25 Hertz to 125 Hertz, inclusive. Provided: Such one-third octave band sound pressure level exceeds the sound pressure level of each adjacent one-third octave band;
This rule shall not apply to audible discrete tones having a one-third octave band sound pressure level 10 dB or more below the allowable sound pressure levels specified in Table 10 for the octave band which contains such one-third octave band.


Compliance. Upon written notification from the Director, the owner or controller of an industrial or commercial noise source operating in violation of the adopted rules shall submit a compliance schedule acceptable to the Department. The schedule will set forth the dates, terms, and conditions by which the person responsible for the noise source shall comply with the adopted rules.




Sound measurements procedures shall conform to those procedures which are adopted by the Commission and set forth in Sound Measurement Procedures Manual (NPCS-1), or to such other procedures as are approved in writing by the Department;


Unless otherwise specified, the appropriate measurement point shall be that point on the noise sensitive property, described below, which is further from the noise source:


25 feet (7.6 meters) toward the noise source from that point on the noise sensitive building nearest the noise source;


That point on the noise sensitive property line nearest the noise source.


Monitoring and Reporting:


Upon written notification from the Department, persons owning or controlling an industrial or commercial noise source shall monitor and record the statistical noise levels and operating times of equipment, facilities, operations, and activities, and shall submit such data to the Department in the form and on the schedule requested by the Department. Procedures for such measurements shall conform to those procedures which are adopted by the Commission and set forth in Sound Measurement Procedures Manual (NPCS-1);


Nothing in this rule shall preclude the Department from conducting separate or additional noise tests and measurements. Therefore, when requested by the Department, the owner or operator of an industrial or commercial noise source shall provide the following:


Access to the site;


Reasonable facilities, where available, including but not limited to, electric power and ladders adequate to perform the testing;


Cooperation in the reasonable operation, manipulation, or shutdown of various equipment or operations as needed to ascertain the source of sound and measure its emission.


Exemptions: Except as otherwise provided in subparagraph (1)(b)(B)(ii) of this rule, the rules in section (1) of this rule shall not apply to:


Emergency equipment not operated on a regular or scheduled basis;


Warning devices not operating continuously for more than 5 minutes;


Sounds created by the tires or motor used to propel any road vehicle complying with the noise standards for road vehicles;


Sounds resulting from the operation of any equipment or facility of a surface carrier engaged in interstate commerce by railroad only to the extent that such equipment or facility is regulated by pre-emptive federal regulations as set forth in Part 201 of Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, promulgated pursuant to Section 17 of the Noise Control Act of 1972, 86 Stat. 1248, Public Law 92-576; but this exemption does not apply to any standard, control, license, regulation, or restriction necessitated by special local conditions which is approved by the Administrator of the EPA after consultation with the Secretary of Transportation pursuant to procedures set forth in Section 17(c)(2) of the Act;


Sounds created by bells, chimes, or carillons;


Sounds not electronically amplified which are created by or generated at sporting, amusement, and entertainment events, except those sounds which are regulated under other noise standards. An event is a noteworthy happening and does not include informal, frequent, or ongoing activities such as, but not limited to, those which normally occur at bowling alleys or amusement parks operating in one location for a significant period of time;


Sounds that originate on construction sites.


Sounds created in construction or maintenance of capital equipment;


Sounds created by lawn care maintenance and snow removal equipment;


Sounds generated by the operation of aircraft and subject to pre-emptive federal regulation. This exception does not apply to aircraft engine testing, activity conducted at the airport that is not directly related to flight operations, and any other activity not pre-emptively regulated by the federal government or controlled under OAR 340-035-0045 (Noise Control Regulations for Airports);


Sounds created by the operation of road vehicle auxiliary equipment complying with the noise rules for such equipment as specified in OAR 340-035-0030 (Noise Control Regulations for In-Use Motor Vehicles)(1)(e);


Sounds created by agricultural activities;


Exceptions: Upon written request from the owner or controller of an industrial or commercial noise source, the Department may authorize exceptions to section (1) of this rule, pursuant to rule 340-035-0010 (Exceptions), for:


Unusual and/or infrequent events;


Industrial or commercial facilities previously established in areas of new development of noise sensitive property;


Those industrial or commercial noise sources whose statistical noise levels at the appropriate measurement point are exceeded by any noise source external to the industrial or commercial noise source in question;


Noise sensitive property owned or controlled by the person who controls or owns the noise source;


Noise sensitive property located on land zoned exclusively for industrial or commercial use.
[NOTE: View a PDF of referenced documents and tables by clicking on “Tables” link below.]
[ED. NOTE: To view attachments referenced in rule text, click here to view rule.]

Source: Rule 340-035-0035 — Noise Control Regulations for Industry and Commerce, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=340-035-0035.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 340-035-0035’s source at or​.us