OAR 340-093-0010

Whereas inadequate solid waste collections, storage, transportation, treatment, recycling and disposal practices cause nuisance conditions, potential hazards to public health and safety and pollution of the air, water and land environment, it is hereby declared to be the policy of the Department of Environmental Quality to require effective and efficient solid waste collection and disposal service to both rural and urban areas and to promote and support comprehensive county or regional solid waste management planning, utilizing progressive solid waste management techniques, emphasizing recovery and reuse of solid wastes and insuring highest and best practicable protection of the public health and welfare and air, water and land resources. In keeping with the Oregon policy to retain primary responsibility for management of adequate solid waste programs with local government units (ORS 459.015 (Policy)) and the Environmental Quality Commission’s perception of Legislative intent under Chapter 773, Oregon Laws 1979, the Commission will look for, and expect, the maximum participation of local government in the planning, siting, development and operation of needed landfills. It is expected that local government will have carried out a good faith effort in landfill siting, including but not limited to public participation and Department assistance, before requesting the Department to site the landfill. Local government will be expected to assume or provide for responsibility in the ownership and operation of any Department/Commission sited landfill under anything but an extraordinary circumstance.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 340-093-0010’s source at or​.us