OAR 407-120-0400
MMIS Replacement Communication Plan


The purpose of this rule is to describe the Department’s plan for communicating instructions and guidance related to the Department’s implementation of the replacement MMIS that began on December 9, 2008. System issues are anticipated to be identified for a period of time during and after implementation. This rule is adopted to be effective retroactively to December 9, 2008 for the purpose of providing continuity of all MMIS communication efforts throughout the transition implementation process and regular operations following the transition. By adopting this communication plan in rule, the Department seeks to assure that eligible Department clients receive all necessary and appropriate services, and that Department providers and PHPs are correctly reimbursed for covered services provided to eligible clients.


To the extent necessary to accomplish the purposes of this rule, the Department shall provide guidance and instructions related to MMIS for providers and PHPs using its web site and MMIS provider announcements.


In cases of limitations or system errors in the replacement MMIS, the Department shall provide update information and important action required in concert with, or in place of, normal established procedures.


In other cases, the Department shall provide instructions and guidance about the use of revised or improved functionality that is available through the replacement MMIS, such as the use of the web portal.


Providers and PHPs must follow all applicable instructions given on the Department’s web page and any provider announcements for the dates specifically noted in the communications, or if a date is not specified, until further instructions are provided. Department web site information and links to specific topics may be accessed at: http://www.oregon.gov/DHS/healthplan/tools_prov/main.shtml.


This rule does not amend existing rules or contracts that require providers or PHPs to confirm eligibility, respond to requests for prior authorization, submit claims or encounter data, or comply with any other rule or contract that imposes obligations on a provider or PHP as a condition of receiving reimbursement for services. This rule is intended to provide assurance to providers and PHPs that the MMIS-related processes for meeting those obligations are being addressed by the Department by providing guidance and instruction related to the provider’s or PHP’s interface with MMIS processes, and by identifying the resources providers and PHPs may use to obtain information during this time of transition to the replacement MMIS and during regular MMIS operations.


The Department shall work with providers and PHPs by providing instructions and guidance to assure that service delivery and reimbursement disruptions related to transition to the replacement MMIS are minimized. Providers and PHPs must appropriately document all eligibility, services, authorization, claims, and payment information during the transition time, and their efforts to comply with instructions and guidance provided by the Department, so that reimbursement may be correctly provided.


Providers and PHPs must immediately communicate to the Department any issues they encounter that are not addressed in the Department’s instructions or guidance in seeking eligibility information or activities related to reimbursement for services through MMIS, errors discovered in the correct amount of any reimbursement received for those services, or in applying the instruction or guidance to resolve an issue.


After the transition period is complete, the Department shall continue to implement this communication plan as long as necessary during regular MMIS operations in order to assist providers and PHPs with technical and system requirements of the replacement MMIS.

Source: Rule 407-120-0400 — MMIS Replacement Communication Plan, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 407-120-0400’s source at