OAR 409-035-0040
Application Review Process


The Authority may review completed health care facility applications that meet all requirements of 409-035-0020 (Health Care Facility Participation Requirements). Potential physician participants must meet all requirements set forth in 409-035-0030 (Physician Participation Requirements).
(2) The following factors may be considered in determining whether to recommend a request for waiver of the foreign country residency requirement:
(a) The type of medicine to be practiced. Eighty percent of the slots allotted for each federal fiscal year are reserved for primary care physicians as defined in OAR 409-035-0010 (Definitions).
(b) The area of the state where the physician will practice. A physician who applies for a waiver who will practice in a service area targeted by the Authority as a particularly high-need area shall receive priority.
(c) Distribution of physicians among employers. The Authority may limit the number of slots to six per employer (as defined by EIN) in a program year.
(d) Facility patient profile. The health care facility’s percentage of patients or patient visits which are covered by the state Medicaid program, Medicare, or are low income, uninsured.
(e) Facility type. Applications from community health centers and from mental health facilities shall receive priority.
(f) Geographic distribution of physicians. To the extent possible, the Authority shall attempt equitable distribution of waiver requests for eligible areas of the state. The number of physicians already working under waivers or recommended for waivers in a particular geographic area shall be taken into consideration.
(3) An application from a non-primary care physician whose specialty cannot be documented as being in high need in the geographical area of practice, or who is proposed to work outside a Health Care Shortage Area will be held for consideration after November 30 and considered at that time. Such applications may be considered on a first-come, first served basis, without respect to OAR 409-035-0040 (Application Review Process) (2).
(4) The Authority shall return incomplete applications, including application fees. The Authority shall process completed resubmitted applications, including fees, as of the new date of receipt.
(5) The Authority shall review each completed application and notify the applicant of the results within 15 business days.
(6) The Authority shall forward the recommended waiver requests to the Department of State. The Department of State shall forward waiver requests recommended for approval to the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services, which shall determine whether to issue or deny the waiver.

Source: Rule 409-035-0040 — Application Review Process, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=409-035-0040.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 409-035-0040’s source at or​.us