OAR 410-123-1510
Dental Care Access Standards for Pregnant Women


This rule sets forth the access standards for dental care for pregnant women who receive Oregon Health Plan (OHP) benefits through the fee-for-service delivery system.


Pregnant clients must be seen, treated, or referred to an OHP-covered service within the following time frames:


For emergency dental care: within 24 hours;


For urgent dental care: one to two weeks or as indicated in the initial screening in accordance with OAR 410-123-1060 (Definition of Terms);


For routine dental care: an average of four weeks, unless there is a documented special clinical reason that would make access longer than four weeks appropriate;


For initial dental screening or examination: four weeks.


Nothing in this rule obligates a pregnant woman who receives dental care through the fee-for-service delivery system to accept an offered appointment.

Source: Rule 410-123-1510 — Dental Care Access Standards for Pregnant Women, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=410-123-1510.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 410-123-1510’s source at