OAR 410-138-0009
Targeted Case Management — Services Not Covered

Targeted Case Management (TCM) services do not cover:


Direct delivery of an underlying medical, educational, social, or other service to which the eligible client has been referred.


Providing transportation to a service to which an eligible client is referred.


Escorting an eligible client to a service.


Providing child care so that an eligible client may access a service.


Contacts with individuals who are not categorically eligible for Medicaid or who are categorically eligible for Medicaid but not included in the eligible target population when those contacts relate directly to the identification and management of the non-eligible or non-targeted individual’s needs and care.


Assisting an individual who has not yet been determined eligible for Medicaid to apply for or obtain eligibility.


TCM services provided to an individual if the services are case management services funded by Title IV-E or Title XX of the Social Security Act, or federal or state funded parole and probation, or juvenile justice programs.


Activities for which third parties are liable to pay.

Source: Rule 410-138-0009 — Targeted Case Management — Services Not Covered, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=410-138-0009.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 410-138-0009’s source at