OAR 410-146-0000

(1) The Health Systems Division (Division) American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) Oregon Administrative Rules are designed to assist the following providers to prepare claims for services provided to clients with Medical Assistance Program coverage:
(a) Indian Health Service (IHS) facilities; and
(b) Tribal 638 facilities, defined as Tribally-operated health care clinics owned or operated by a Tribe or Tribal organization with funding authorized by Title I or Title V of the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act (Public Law 93-638, as amended), and recognized by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) under the 1996 Memorandum of Agreement (MOA);
(2) Indian Health Care Providers (IHCP) not designated an IHS or Tribal 638 facility should refer to Oregon Health Plan (OHP) General Rules (OAR 410 division 120) and other applicable program-specific rules to enroll and operate as any other provider type recognized under the state plan.
(3) CMS does not recognize Urban Indian Health Program (UIHP) clinics as eligible for reimbursement of services under the MOA. UIHP Clinics should refer to:
(a) Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHC) and Rural Health Clinics administrative Rules (OAR 410 division 147) to enroll as a FQHC if the clinic is an urban Indian organization under the Indian Health Care Improvement Act, Public Law 94-437; or
(b) OHP General Rules (OAR 410 division 120) and other applicable program-specific rules to enroll and operate as any other provider type recognized under the state plan.
(4) The AI/AN administrative rules include important information about general program policy, provider enrollment, maintenance of financial records, special programs, and billing. Unless specifically directed by the AI/AN rules, do not use other Division administrative rules to determine appropriate action.
(5) OHP-enrolled IHCP must use the OHP General Rules (OAR 410 division 120) and the OHP Administrative Rules (OAR 410 Division 141) as directed in the AI/AN rules and in conjunction with applicable program-specific rules including the AI/AN administrative rules.
(6) The Health Evidence Review Commission’s Prioritized List of Health Services defines the Division’s Medicaid-covered services. For more information, refer to the OHP Administrative Rules (OAR 410-141-0520).

Source: Rule 410-146-0000 — Foreword, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 410-146-0000’s source at