Administration of the Behavior Rehabilitation Services (BRS) Program 410‑170‑0010
Purpose 410‑170‑0020
Definitions 410‑170‑0030
BRS Contractor and BRS Provider Requirements 410‑170‑0040
Prior Authorization for the BRS Program 410‑170‑0050
Program Referrals and Admission to BRS Provider 410‑170‑0060
Discharge from the BRS Contractor or BRS Provider 410‑170‑0070
BRS Service Planning 410‑170‑0080
Services 410‑170‑0090
BRS Types of Care 410‑170‑0100
Placement-Related Activities for the Authority’s BRS Contractors and BRS Providers 410‑170‑0110
Billing and Payment for Services and Placement-Related Activities 410‑170‑0120
Compliance Reviews and Sanctions
Administration of the Behavior Rehabilitation Services (BRS) Program 410‑170‑0010
Purpose 410‑170‑0020
Definitions 410‑170‑0030
BRS Contractor and BRS Provider Requirements 410‑170‑0040
Prior Authorization for the BRS Program 410‑170‑0050
Program Referrals and Admission to BRS Provider 410‑170‑0060
Discharge from the BRS Contractor or BRS Provider 410‑170‑0070
BRS Service Planning 410‑170‑0080
Services 410‑170‑0090
BRS Types of Care 410‑170‑0100
Placement-Related Activities for the Authority’s BRS Contractors and BRS Providers 410‑170‑0110
Billing and Payment for Services and Placement-Related Activities 410‑170‑0120
Compliance Reviews and Sanctions