OAR 410-200-0146
Final Orders, Dismissals and Withdrawals

(1) When the Authority refers a contested case under chapter 410 division 200 to the Office of Administrative Hearings (OAH), the Authority must indicate on the referral:
(a) Whether the Authority is authorizing a proposed order, a proposed and final order, or a final order; and
(b) If the Authority establishes an earlier deadline for written exceptions and argument because the contested case is being referred for an expedited hearing.
(2) When the Authority authorizes either a proposed order or a proposed and final order:
(a) The claimant may file written exceptions and written argument to be considered by the Authority. The exceptions and argument must be received at the location indicated in the OAH order not later than the 20th day after service of the proposed order or proposed and final order, unless section (1)(b) of this rule applies;
(b) The Authority shall issue the final order after OAH issues a proposed order unless the Authority requests that OAH issue the final order pursuant to OAR 137-003-0655 (Further Hearing and Issuance of Final Order).
(c) The proposed and final order becomes a final order on the 21st day after the service of the proposed and final order, if the claimant does not submit timely exceptions or arguments following a proposed and final order, unless:
(A) The Authority has issued a revised order; or
(B) The Authority has notified the claimant and OAH that the Authority shall issue the final order.
(d) The Authority shall issue the final order when the Authority receives timely exceptions or argument unless the Authority requests that OAH issue the final order.
(3) In a contested case hearing, if the OAH is authorized to issue a final order on behalf of the Authority, the Authority may issue the final order in the case of default.
(4) A petition by a claimant for reconsideration or rehearing must be filed with the individual who signed the final order unless stated otherwise on the final order.
(5) A final order is effective immediately upon being signed or as otherwise provided in the order. Delay due to a postponement or continuance granted at the claimant’s request may not be counted in computing time limits for a final order. A final order shall be issued or the case otherwise shall be resolved no later than:
(a) Ninety days following the date of the hearing request;
(b) Three working days after the date the OAH hears an expedited hearing.
(6) In the event a request for a hearing is not timely or the claimant has no right to a contested case hearing on an issue, and there are no factual disputes about whether this division of rules provides a right to a hearing, the Authority may issue an order accordingly. The Authority may refer an untimely request to the OAH for a hearing on timeliness or on the question of whether the claimant has the right to a contested case hearing.
(7) If the Authority serves a decision notice on the claimant by postal or electronic mail and the Authority receives an untimely hearing request from the claimant within 75 days from the date the decision notice became a final order, then one of the following shall occur:
(a) If the Authority finds that the claimant did not receive the decision notice and did not have actual knowledge of the notice, the Authority shall refer the hearing request to the OAH for a contested case hearing on the merits of the Authority’s action described in the notice; or
(b) If there is a factual dispute regarding the claimant’s receipt or knowledge of the notice, the Authority shall refer the hearing request to the OAH for a contested case hearing to determine whether the claimant received or had actual knowledge of the notice. The Authority has the burden to prove by a preponderance of the evidence that the claimant had actual knowledge of the notice or that the Authority mailed the notice to the claimant’s correct mailing address or sent an electronic notice to the claimant’s correct electronic mail address according to the information the claimant provided to the Authority.
(8) If the Authority receives an untimely hearing request from the claimant, regardless of the manner in which the Authority served the decision notice on the claimant, then:
(a) If the Authority finds that the claimant’s hearing request was untimely for good cause as defined in OAR 137-003-0501 (Rules for Office of Administrative Hearings)(7), the Authority shall refer the hearing request to the OAH for a contested case hearing on the merits of the Authority’s action described in the notice; or
(b) If there is a factual dispute regarding the existence of good cause, the Authority shall refer a hearing request to the OAH for a contested case hearing to determine whether there was good cause as defined in OAR 137-003-0501 (Rules for Office of Administrative Hearings)(7) for the claimant’s delay in submitting the hearing request to the Authority.
(c) Any hearing request is treated as timely when required under the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act.
(d) The Authority may dismiss a hearing request as untimely if the claimant does not qualify for a hearing under sections (8)(a), (b), or (c).
(9) A claimant may withdraw a hearing request at any time before a final order has been issued on the contested case. When a claimant withdraws a hearing request:
(a) The Authority shall send an order confirming the withdrawal to the claimant’s last known address;
(b) The claimant may cancel the withdrawal in writing. The withdrawal must be received by the Authority hearing representative no later than the tenth working day following the date the Authority sent the order confirming the withdrawal.
(10) A hearing request is dismissed by order by default when neither the claimant nor the claimant’s representative appears at the time and place specified for the hearing. The order is effective on the date scheduled for the hearing. The Authority shall cancel the dismissal order on request of the claimant on a showing that the claimant was unable to attend the hearing and unable to request a postponement due to circumstances meeting the good cause criteria described in OAR 137-003-0501 (Rules for Office of Administrative Hearings)(7).

Source: Rule 410-200-0146 — Final Orders, Dismissals and Withdrawals, .

General Definitions
Coordinated Eligibility and Enrollment Process with the Department of Human Services and the Federally Facilitated Marketplace
Hospital Presumptive Eligibility
Application and Renewal Processing and Timeliness Standards
Authorized Representatives
HSD Medical Programs—Effective Dates
Acting on Reported Changes
Retroactive Medical
Assumed, Continuous, and Protected Eligibility for Children and Pregnant Individuals
Eligibility for Inmates
Contested Case Hearing
Final Orders, Dismissals and Withdrawals
Residency Requirements
Concurrent and Duplicate Program Benefits
Requirement to Provide Social Security Number
Citizenship and Non-Citizen Status Requirements
Requirement to Pursue Assets
Assignment of Rights
Changes That Must Be Reported
Eligibility for Individuals Who Do Not Meet the Citizen and Non-Citizen Status Requirements
Eligibility Determination Group — MAGI Medicaid/CHIP
Eligibility and Budgeting
Standards and Determining Income Eligibility
Specific Requirements
Specific Requirements
Specific Requirements—Former Foster Care Youth Medical Program
Specific Requirements
Specific Requirements
Specific Requirements
Specific Requirements
Specific Requirements
Specific Requirements
COVID-19 Emergency Policies
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 410-200-0146’s source at