OAR 411-034-0035
Applying for State Plan Personal Care Services


Individuals eligible for state plan personal care services as described in OAR 410-172-0790 (Eligibility for Behavioral Health Personal Care Attendant Services)(1) must apply through the local community mental health program or agency contracted with AMHD. An individual applying for State Plan personal care services that is not eligible for or receiving services through ODDS or APD is referred to the appropriate AMHD office.


An individual with an intellectual or developmental disability eligible for or receiving services through the Department’s Office of Developmental Disabilities Services (ODDS), a Community Developmental Disability Program (CDDP), or Support Services Brokerage must apply for State Plan personal care services through the local CDDP or the local support services brokerage.


An older adult or an adult with a disability eligible for or receiving case management services from the Department’s Aging and People With Disabilities (APD) or Area Agency on Aging (AAA) must apply for State Plan personal care services through the local APD or AAA office.


Individuals receiving benefits through the Department’s Self-Sufficiency Programs (SSP) must apply for State Plan personal care services through the local APD or AAA office. APD/AAA is responsible for service assessment and for any planning and payment authorization for State Plan personal care services, if the applicant is determined eligible.

Source: Rule 411-034-0035 — Applying for State Plan Personal Care Services, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=411-034-0035.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 411-034-0035’s source at