OAR 411-050-0720

(1) FIRE AND LIFE SAFETY. Buildings must meet all applicable state and local building, fire, mechanical, and housing codes for fire and life safety. The home may be inspected for fire safety by the State Fire Marshal’s Office, or the State Fire Marshal’s designee, at the request of the LLA or the Department using the standards in these rules, as appropriate.
(2) HEAT SOURCES. All heating equipment including, but not limited to, wood stoves, pellet stoves, and fireplaces must be installed in accordance with all applicable state and local building and mechanical codes. Heating equipment must be in good repair, used properly, and maintained according to the manufacturer’s or a qualified inspector’s recommendations.
(a) A licensee who does not have a permit verifying proper installation of an existing woodstove, pellet stove, or gas fireplace must have it inspected by a qualified inspector, Certified Oregon Chimney Sweep Association member, or Oregon Hearth, Patio, and Barbeque Association member and follow the inspector’s recommended maintenance schedule.
(b) Fireplaces must have approved and listed protective glass screens or metal mesh screens anchored to the top and bottom of the fireplace opening.
(c) The LLA may require the installation of a non-combustible, heat-resistant, safety barrier 36 inches around a woodstove to prevent residents with ambulation or confusion problems from coming in contact with the stove.
(d) Unvented, portable oil, gas, or kerosene heaters are prohibited. Portable electric heaters shall be listed and labeled. Sealed electric transfer heaters or electric space heaters with tip-over, shut-off capability may be used when approved by the State Fire Marshal or the State Fire Marshal’s designee. A heater must be directly connected to an electrical outlet and may not be connected to an extension cord.
(3) EXTENSION CORDS AND ADAPTORS. Extension cord wiring and multi-plug adaptors may not be used in place of permanent wiring. Listed and labeled re-locatable power strips or taps (RPTs) with circuit breaker protection are permitted for indoor use only and must be installed and used in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. If RPTs are used, the RPT must be directly connected to an electrical outlet, never connected to another RPT (known as daisy-chaining or piggy-backing), and never connected to an extension cord.
(4) LOCKS AND ALARMS. Hardware for all exit doors and interior doors must be readily visible, have simple hardware that may not be locked against exit, and have an obvious method of operation.
(a) Hasps, sliding bolts, hooks and eyes, slide chain locks, and double key deadbolts are not permitted.
(b) If a home has a resident with impaired judgment who is known to wander away, the home must have an activated alarm system to alert a caregiver of the resident’s unsupervised exit.
(5) BEDROOM WINDOWS. Bedrooms must have at least one window or exterior door that leads directly outside and is approved for emergency escape or rescue. The exit window or door must readily open from the inside without special tools, and provide a clear, unobstructed opening of not less than 821 square inches (5.7 sq. ft.), with the least dimensions not less than 24 inches in height or 20 inches in width. If the interior sill height of the window is more than 44 inches from the floor level, approved steps or other aids to the window exit that the occupants are capable of using must be provided. Windows with a clear opening of not less than 5.0 square feet or 720 square inches with interior sill heights of no more than 44 inches above the floor may be accepted when approved by the State Fire Marshal or the State Fire Marshal’s designee.
(6) CONSTRUCTION. Construction must be in compliance with OAR 411-050-0715 (Facility Standards)(2) as well as all applicable local business license, zoning, building, and housing codes.
(a) STRUCTURAL CHANGES. The licensee must notify the LLA, in writing, at least 15 calendar days before any remodeling, renovations, or structural changes in the home that require a building permit. Such activity must comply with local building, sanitation, utility, and fire code requirements applicable to a single-family dwelling (see ORS 443.760 (Application of single family dwelling code requirements to home)(1)).
(b) The licensee must forward all required permits, inspections and evacuation plan as described in OAR 411-050-0725 (Emergency Preparedness)(2), and a revised floor plan as described in (16) of this rule, to the LLA within 30 calendar days of completion.
(c) MANUFACTURED HOMES. A manufactured home (formerly mobile homes) must have been built in 1976 or later and designated for use as a home rather than a travel trailer. The manufactured home must have a manufacturer’s label permanently affixed on the unit itself that states the manufactured home meets the requirements of the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The required label must read as follows:
(A) If such a label is not evident and the licensee believes the manufactured home meets the required specifications, the licensee must take the necessary steps to secure and provide verification of compliance from the home’s manufacturer.
(B) Manufactured homes built in 1976 or later meet the flame spread rate requirements and do not have to have paneling treated with a flame retardant coating.
(7) FIRE EXTINGUISHERS. At least one fire extinguisher with a minimum classification of 2-A:10-B:C must be mounted where they are easily visible and readily accessible for use on each floor, including basements.
(a) Fire extinguishers shall be inspected by the licensee or designated staff at least once per calendar month.
(b) Service personnel providing or conducting annual maintenance on portable fire extinguishers shall possess a valid certificate as outlined in the fire code.
(c) Documentation of monthly and annual inspections for each fire extinguisher shall be maintained and made available upon request.
(a) All carbon monoxide alarms and smoke alarms must contain a sounding device or be interconnected to other alarms to provide, when activated an alarm that is audible in all sleeping rooms. The alarms must be loud enough to wake occupants when all bedroom doors are closed. Intercoms and room monitors may not be used to amplify alarms.
(b) The licensee or administrator must test all carbon monoxide alarms and smoke alarms in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions at least monthly (per NFPA 72). Testing must be documented in the facility records. The licensee or administrator must maintain carbon monoxide alarms, smoke alarms, and fire extinguishers in functional condition. If there are more than two violations in maintaining battery operated alarms in working condition, the Department may require the licensee to hard wire the alarms into the electrical system.
(c) CARBON MONOXIDE ALARMS. Carbon monoxide alarms must be listed as complying with ANSI/UL 2034 and must be installed and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions. Carbon monoxide alarms must be installed within 15 feet of each bedroom at the height recommended by the manufacturer.
(A) If bedrooms are in multi-level homes, carbon monoxide alarms must be installed on each level, including the basement.
(B) Carbon monoxide alarms may be hard-wired, plug-in, or battery operated. Hard wired and plug-in alarms must be equipped with a battery back-up. Battery operated carbon monoxide alarms must be equipped with a device that warns of a low battery.
(C) A bedroom used by a hearing-impaired occupant who may not hear a regular carbon monoxide alarm must be equipped with an additional carbon monoxide alarm that has visual or vibrating capacity.
(d) SMOKE ALARMS. Smoke alarms shall be installed in each sleeping room, adjacent hallways, common living areas, basements and in multi-level homes at the top of each stairway.
(B) Battery operated smoke alarms or hard-wired smoke alarms with a battery backup must be equipped with a device that warns of a low battery.
(C) A bedroom used by a hearing-impaired occupant who may not hear a regular smoke alarm must be equipped with an additional smoke alarm that has visual or vibrating capacity.
(9) COMBUSTIBLES AND FIREARMS. Flammables, combustible liquids, and other combustible materials must be safely and properly stored in the original, properly labeled containers or safety containers and secured in areas to prevent tampering by residents or vandals.
(a) Oxygen and other gas cylinders in service or in storage, must be adequately secured to prevent the cylinders from falling or being knocked over.
(b) No smoking signs must be visibly posted where oxygen cylinders are present.
(c) Firearms must be stored, unloaded, in a locked cabinet. The firearms cabinet must be in an area of the home that is not accessible to the residents.
(d) Ammunition must be secured in a locked area separate from the firearms.
(10) HAZARDOUS MATERIALS. Cleaning supplies, poisons, insecticides, and other hazardous materials must be properly stored in the original container, or in a container manufactured for the type of product. The containers must be properly labeled and kept in a safe area that is not accessible to residents, or near food preparation areas, food storage areas, dining areas, or medications.
(11) PETS AND OTHER ANIMALS. Sanitation for household pets and other domestic animals on the premises must be adequate to prevent health hazards. Proof of rabies vaccinations and any other vaccinations that are required for the pet by a licensed veterinarian must be maintained on the premises. Pets not confined in enclosures must be under control and not present a danger to the residents or guests.
(12) FIRST AID. Current, basic first-aid supplies and a first-aid manual must be readily available in the home.
(13) WATER TEMPERATURE. A resident who is unable to safely regulate the water temperature must be supervised.
(14) INFECTION CONTROL. Standard and enhanced precautions for infection control must be followed in resident care as directed by the:
(a) Oregon Health Authority’s infection control staff at http:/­/­www.oregon.gov/­oha/­PH/­DISEASESCONDITIONS/­COMMUNICABLEDISEASE/­HAI/­pages/­index.aspx; or
(b) Local county health department staff.
(15) MEDICAL SHARPS. Precautions must be taken to prevent injuries caused by needles, scalpels, and other sharp instruments or devices during procedures. All sharps, including, but not limited to needles and lancets, must be disposed of in approved sharps containers that:
(a) Are puncture-resistant.
(b) Are leak-proof.
(c) Are labeled or color-coded red to warn that the contents are hazardous.
(d) Have a lid, flap, door, or other means of closing the container and inhibits the ability to remove sharps from the container.
(e) Are not overfilled.
(f) Are stored in an upright position in a secure location as close as practical to the use area. The container must not be accessible to residents or not close to any food preparation or food storage area.
(g) Must be closed immediately once full and properly disposed of within 10 days, according to the home’s waste management company’s or pharmacy’s instructions.
(16) FLOOR PLAN. The licensee must develop a current and accurate floor plan that indicates:
(a) The size of rooms.
(b) Which bedrooms are to be used by residents, the licensee, caregivers, and for adult day services and room and board tenants, as applicable.
(c) The location of all the exits on each level of the home, including emergency exits such as windows.
(d) The location of wheelchair ramps.
(e) The location of all fire extinguishers, smoke alarms, and carbon monoxide alarms.
(f) The planned evacuation routes, initial point of safety, and final point of safety.
(g) Any designated smoking areas in or on the AFH’s premises.
(17) SAFETY BARRIERS. Patios, decks, walkways, swimming pools, hot tubs, spas, saunas, water features, fire pits, stairways, and open bodies of water, as applicable, must be equipped with safety barriers designed to reasonably prevent injury to current residents of the home. Resident access to or use of swimming or other pools, hot tubs, spas, saunas, fire pits, or any open bodies of water on the premises must be supervised.
(18) SMOKING. The licensee must identify the home’s smoking policies in the home’s Residency Agreement. If smoking is allowed in or on the premises of the home:
(a) The Residency Agreement must restrict smoking to designated areas, and prohibit smoking in:
(A) Any bedroom, including that of the residents, licensee, resident manager, any other caregiver, occupant, or visitor.
(B) Any upholstered furniture with cushions or pillows.
(C) Any room where oxygen is used.
(D) Anywhere flammable materials are stored.
(b) Ashtrays of noncombustible material and safe design must be provided in areas where smoking is permitted.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 411-050-0720’s source at or​.us