OAR 411-088-0060
Right to Readmission


Any person transferred from a facility voluntarily or involuntarily shall have the right of readmission to the facility from which the person was transferred, provided that:


A request for readmission is made within 180 days of the date of transfer;


The person is eligible by means of payment and requires nursing facility care; and


No determination was made at informal conference or hearing that the person does not have the right of readmission.


Section (1) of this rule does not require a facility to accept a person in a bed located in a room which is occupied by a resident of the opposite sex at the time of the request.
EXCEPTION: A facility is required to accept a person to a room occupied by a resident of the opposite sex if the respective resident previously shared a room in the facility and if neither resident objects to the admission.


Section (1) of this rule does not require a facility to accept a person who voluntarily transferred from the facility directly to another nursing facility.


A former resident who receives Medicaid does not have the right to be readmitted to a facility which is not Medicaid certified unless reimbursement is available pursuant to OAR 411-070-0010 (Conditions for Payment).


If more than one person has a right of readmission, priority in allocation of vacancies shall be determined by the earliest date of application for readmission.


A person whose stay in the facility totals 30 or fewer days and was transferred pursuant to OAR 411-088-0070 (Notice Requirements)(1)(d) (post-hospital extended care services or specialized services) may not have a right of readmission.

Source: Rule 411-088-0060 — Right to Readmission, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=411-088-0060.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 411-088-0060’s source at or​.us