OAR 411-425-0035
Qualifications and Training

(1) An assessor and supervisor must have knowledge of the public service system for developmental disabilities services in Oregon and at least:
(a) A bachelor’s degree in behavioral science, social science, or a closely related field;
(b) A bachelor’s degree in any field and one year of human services related experience, such as work providing assistance to people and groups with issues, such as economical disadvantages, employment, abuse and neglect, substance abuse, aging, disabilities, prevention, health, cultural competencies, or housing;
(c) An associate’s degree in a behavioral science, social science, or a closely related field and two years of human services related experience, such as work providing assistance to people and groups with issues, such as economical disadvantages, employment, abuse and neglect, substance abuse, aging, disabilities, prevention, health, cultural competencies, or housing; or
(2) A case manager may only conduct an ONA as described in OAR 411-415-0060 (Assessment Activities). The case manager must not conduct an ONA until completion of initial training as described in section (3) of this rule.
(3) An assessor and supervisor must fulfill the training requirements established by the Department.
(a) An employee of a CME must not conduct an ONA until completion of initial training provided by the Department. Completion of initial training is indicated by the Department’s assignment of the ONA Assessor user role to the employee in the Department’s electronic payment and reporting system.
(b) An assessor and supervisor must maintain and enhance their knowledge and skills through participation in education and training as required by the Department. The Department provides training materials and the provision of training may be conducted by the Department or CME staff, depending on available resources and at the discretion of the Department.

Source: Rule 411-425-0035 — Qualifications and Training, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=411-425-0035.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 411-425-0035’s source at or​.us