OAR 411-435-0080
Ancillary Service Provider Requirements

(1) Providers of community nursing services.
(a) Independent providers are not personal support workers and must meet the minimum qualifications of an independent provider described in OAR chapter 411 division 375 and:
(A) Have a current Oregon nursing license;
(B) Be enrolled in the Long Term Care Community Nursing Program as described in OAR chapter 411, division 048; and
(C) Submit a resume to the case management entity indicating the education, skills, and abilities necessary to provide nursing services in accordance with state law.
(b) Agency providers must be enrolled in the Long Term Care Community Nursing Program as described in OAR chapter 411, division 048.
(2) Providers delivering goods or services to individuals and paid with Department funds must hold any current license appropriate to function required by the state of Oregon or federal law or regulation including, but not limited to:
(a) For providers of environmental modifications or environmental safety modifications involving building modifications or new construction, a current license and bond as a building contractor as required by OAR chapter 812 (Construction Contractor’s Board) or OAR chapter 808 (Landscape Contractors Board) with a minimum of $1,000,000 liability insurance.
(b) For environmental accessibility consultants, a current license as a general contractor as required by OAR chapter 812, including experience evaluating homes, assessing the needs of an individual, and developing cost-effective plans to make homes safe and accessible.
(c) For public transportation providers, the established standards.
(d) For private transportation providers other than personal support workers, a business license and a license to drive in Oregon.
(e) For vendors and medical supply companies providing assistive devices or specialized medical supplies, a current retail business license, including enrollment as Medicaid providers through the Oregon Health Authority if vending medical equipment.
(3) Services provided and paid for with Department funds must be limited to the services within the scope of the license of the general business provider.
(4) A provider who is a writer of a scope of work, a contractor who is chosen to complete environmental modifications or environmental safety modifications, a contractor completing a vehicle modification, or a provider of chore services cannot have a conflict of interest associated with the delivery of the service unless the conflict is waived by the Department prior to delivering the service. A conflict of interest exists when the provider is:
(b) Financially responsible for the individual.
(d) May benefit financially from the provision of the environmental or vehicle modification.
(5) Payment by the Department for ancillary services is considered full payment for the services rendered under Medicaid. A provider may not demand or receive additional payment for ancillary services from the individual, legal representative, or any other source, under any circumstances.
(6) Medicaid funds are the payer of last resort. A provider must bill all third party resources until all third party resources are exhausted.
(7) The Department reserves the right to make a claim against any third party payer before or after making payment to the provider.

Source: Rule 411-435-0080 — Ancillary Service Provider Requirements, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=411-435-0080.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 411-435-0080’s source at or​.us