OAR 411-455-0010
Definitions and Acronyms

In addition to the following definitions, OAR 411-317-0000 (General Definitions and Acronyms for Developmental Disabilities Services) includes general definitions for words and terms frequently used in OAR chapter 411, division 455. If a word or term is defined differently in OAR 411-317-0000 (General Definitions and Acronyms for Developmental Disabilities Services), the definition in this rule applies.


“ADL” means “activities of daily living”.


“Assistance” means the help an individual requires to complete the ADL and IADL tasks described in OAR 411-455-0050 (Services).


The assistance types may include hands-on, cueing, or redirection.


“Hands-on” means a provider physically performs all or parts of an activity because an individual is unable to do so.


“Cueing” means giving verbal, audio, or visual clues during an activity to help an individual complete the activity without hands-on assistance.


“Redirection” means to divert an individual to another more appropriate activity.


For an individual with intellectual or developmental disabilities, assistance may include supervision along with cueing or verbal reminding to help the individual know when or how to carry out the task. Supervision may be in the form of monitoring, set-up, reassurance, or stand-by to ensure the individual completes the task.


“Monitoring” means a provider observes an individual to determine if assistance is needed.


“Set-up” means the preparation, cleaning, and maintenance of personal effects, supplies, assistive devices, or equipment so an individual may perform an activity.


“Reassurance” means to offer an individual encouragement and support.


“Stand-by” means a provider is at the side of an individual ready to step in and take over the task if the individual is unable to complete the task independently.


“Assistive Devices” means any category of devices, aids, controls, supplies, or appliances necessary to enable an individual to increase the ability of the individual to perform personal care at home and in the community.


“Assistive Technology” means any category of devices, aids, controls, supplies, or appliances necessary to provide support for an individual and replace the need for direct interventions or to increase independence.


“CHIP” means the “Children’s Health Insurance Program”.


“Delegated Nursing Task” means a registered nurse (RN) authorizes an unlicensed person (defined in OAR 851-047-0010) to provide a nursing task normally requiring the education and license of an RN. In accordance with OAR 851-047-0000 (Rule Summary, Statement of Purpose and Intent), OAR 851-047-0010, and OAR 851-047-0030 (Delegation of Special Tasks of Client/Nursing Care), the RN’s written authorization of a delegated nursing task includes assessing a specific eligible individual, evaluating an unlicensed person’s ability to perform a specific nursing task, teaching the nursing task, and supervising and re-evaluating the individual and the unlicensed person at regular intervals.


“IADL” means “instrumental activities of daily living”.


“Legal Representative” means:


For an individual under the age of 18, the parent, unless a court appoints another person or agency to act as the individual’s guardian.


For an individual 18 years of age or older:


A spouse.


An attorney at law who has been retained by or for the individual.


A person or agency authorized by a court to make decisions about services for the individual.


“Medical Assistance Benefit Package” means the Oregon Health Plan (OHP) benefit packages provided under OAR 410-120-1210 (Medical Assistance Benefit Packages and Delivery System)(4)(a) and (b). This includes individuals receiving Title XXI benefits.


“OCCS” means “Office of Client and Community Services”.


“ODDS” means “Office of Developmental Disabilities Services”.


“OSIPM” means “Oregon Supplemental Income Program-Medical”.


“Personal Care” means the basic everyday functional activities described as ADL and IADL tasks in OAR 411-455-0050 (Services) required by an individual for continued well-being and essential for health and safety.


“Respite” means the services provided on a periodic or intermittent basis for the short-term relief of an individual’s primary caregiver.


“SPPC” means State Plan personal care.


“SPPC Needs Assessment (form 2796)” means the assessment completed by a case manager as described in OAR 411-455-0030 (Needs Assessment, Service Authorization, and Monitoring) to determine an individual’s eligibility for SPPC services, the individual’s level of assistance for SPPC, and available resources meeting any of the individual’s support needs, including assistive devices or assistive technology.


“SPPC Service Authorization Plan (form 2796)” means the prior authorized written service plan completed by a case manager as described in OAR 411-455-0030 (Needs Assessment, Service Authorization, and Monitoring), based on an individual’s SPPC Needs Assessment.


“SPPC Services” means a range of assistance for personal care, funded through the Medicaid State Plan, provided to an individual with a disability or chronic condition to enable the individual to accomplish personal care.


“Sub-Acute Care Facility” means a care center or facility that provides short-term rehabilitation and complex medical services to an individual with a condition that does not require acute hospital care but prevents the individual from being discharged to their home.


“Support Needs” means the assistance with personal care needed by an individual receiving ODDS services.


“These Rules” mean the rules in OAR chapter 411, division 455.

Source: Rule 411-455-0010 — Definitions and Acronyms, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=411-455-0010.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 411-455-0010’s source at or​.us