OAR 413-050-0630
Targeted Case Management Assessment and Service Categories

(1) Targeted Case Management services include:
(a) Comprehensive TCM assessment and at a minimum an annual reassessment of individual needs. These assessment activities may include:
(A) Documenting the child or young adult’s history;


Evaluating the extent and nature of the needs (medical, social, educational and other services) and completing related documentation;


Gathering information from other sources such as the child or young adult’s family members, medical providers, social workers and educators, if necessary, to form a complete assessment of the child or young adult;


Developing and periodically revising of the child or young adult’s case plan that is based on the information collected through assessments; specifies the goals and actions to address the medical, social, educational and other services needed; and


Making referrals and completing activities to help an eligible child or young adult obtain needed services including activities that link the child or young adult with service providers to meet identified needs and achieve goals specified in the case plan.


Monitoring and arranging follow-up activities necessary to ensure the case plan is implemented and adequately addresses the child or young adult’s needs and access to services.


Targeted Case Management Service Categories include:


Placement Activities;


Miscellaneous Services.

Source: Rule 413-050-0630 — Targeted Case Management Assessment and Service Categories, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=413-050-0630.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 413-050-0630’s source at or​.us