OAR 413-350-0140


The agency expunction coordinator receives and logs incoming orders and distributes notification forms to the branch(es), contracts unit and the trust unit. The expunction processor at each branch shall:


When no record is found, return the signed notification form within three working days of receipt;


When the record has been transferred elsewhere notify the agency expunction coordinator by phone within one working day after the notice is received. Process any records remaining at the site as described in section (2) of this rule;


The local expunction processor shall notify the agency expunction coordinator by phone on the same day the notice is received, of the other locations where the case was open.


If a record is found for the person named in the order, the following actions will be taken within three working days:


Single-Person Records. Place all individual records, cards and other information in a sealed envelope. On the front of the envelope, in red ink, write: person’s name, case number, person letter, date of expunction (following the same retention rules as other records), date destruction due, and the word “Expunged.” Place envelope in file, not accessible to general staff;


Multi-Person Records. Mark all master cards in red ink with word “Expunged” by name of person. Clearly label the case file folder with the name of person whose record was expunged and the date of the order;


Foster Home Certification File. If the person named in the order was ever in foster care, record in red ink in each foster home file the person’s name, case number, person letter, the word “Expunged” and date of the order;


Electronic Records. The agency expunction coordinator will seal references to contacts in the electronic file. This is done by changing the security on the case record so access is limited to the expunction coordinator and each branch’s security officer. Subsequent access to contacts must be authorized by the expunction coordinator or the security officer.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 413-350-0140’s source at or​.us