OAR 416-020-0010


Emergency: Any condition or situation where there is a substantial risk of imminent abuse, or threat to life, health, or safety, or where time frame considerations necessitate an immediate response or remedial action.


Field supervisor: The manager of an OYA parole/probation office.


Grievance: A complaint about the substance or application of any rule, policy, or practice affecting an offender; or any decision or action directed toward an offender by OYA, its employees, or agents, including but not limited to matters of confinement, discipline, treatment, education, and privileges.
(5) Representative: A person who is authorized, in writing, by an offender to receive confidential information from OYA and to act on behalf of the offender with respect to a grievance. A representative includes, but is not limited to an attorney, relative, friend or legal guardian, but does not include another offender.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 416-020-0010’s source at or​.us