OAR 416-150-0010
Law Enforcement Interrogation or Polygraph

When a law enforcement agency (LEA) asks to interrogate or conduct a polygraph examination of an offender suspected of violating the law or having knowledge of a law violation, OYA staff will do the following:


Assure the LEA representative has proper identification.


Determine if the LEA representative has a warrant.


If a warrant exists, OYA staff will assist the LEA representative insofar as such assistance does not infringe upon the offender’s right to remain silent and to have legal representation present;


If no warrant exists, OYA staff will ensure that:


The offender’s attorney, if any, is notified.

Source: Rule 416-150-0010 — Law Enforcement Interrogation or Polygraph, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=416-150-0010.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 416-150-0010’s source at or​.us