OAR 416-260-0010


These rules describe how OYA establishes and maintains Offender Welfare Accounts and trust accounts for offenders in its custody.




“Offender Welfare Account” means a general account established by OYA dedicated to provide monies to benefit the close custody offender population and enhance offender activities and programs.


“Care” means services provided to meet the needs of an offender (i.e., food, shelter, clothing, medical care, schooling, protection, supervision).


“Financial accounting” means a detailed accounting of money spent by OYA for care of an offender and the amount of trust money, by funding source, reimbursed to OYA for these items.


“Maintenance account” means a sub-section of an offender’s trust account used to account for funds that may be used to pay for the offender’s cost of care.


“Special account” means a sub-section of an offender’s trust account used to account for funds received for an offender for purposes other than paying for the offender’s cost of care.


“Termination of custody” means relinquishment of OYA custody as a result of a court order, the offender’s age, or transfer to a supervising authority other than OYA.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 416-260-0010’s source at or​.us