OAR 416-340-0020
General Standards


The use of medication will be solely for the health and welfare of the individual offender.


Whether medication is to be used or not used and under what conditions is the sole responsibility of the attending licensed prescriber.


Prescription orders will be authorized by persons who are licensed by the State of Oregon to prescribe medication.


Prescription medications will be administered according to the prescriber’s order and given only to the offender to whom the medication is prescribed.


Pursuant to ORS 109.675 (Right to diagnosis or treatment for mental or emotional disorder or chemical dependency without parental consent) offenders 14 years of age or older may obtain, without parental knowledge or consent, outpatient diagnosis or treatment of a mental or emotional disorder, or a chemical dependency excluding methadone maintenance, by a physician, licensed psychologist, nurse practitioner or licensed clinical social worker.


Pursuant to ORS 109.640 (Right to medical or dental treatment without parental consent), offenders 15 years of age or older may obtain, without parental consent, medical treatment, including immunizations.


Pursuant to ORS 433.267 (Immunization of school children), offenders 15 years of age or older may sign, on their own behalf, exemption from immunizations forms available through the Department of Public Health, if the signature would otherwise be required of the offender’s parent or legal guardian.


Pharmacy packaging and dispensing of medications administered in close custody facilities will follow Oregon administrative rule governing pharmacy practice for correctional facilities and the Nurse Practice Act.


All medications will be properly labeled, including labels on prescription medications that match the prescriber’s written order. All nontopical prescribed medications administered in close custody facilities will be unit dosed.


Prescriptions that are not administered will be returned to the dispensing pharmacy or properly disposed.


Any medical information received from a medical practitioner will be placed in the offender’s permanent medical record.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 416-340-0020’s source at or​.us