OAR 416-435-0020

(1) Discrimination: Any act, policy or practice that penalizes or disadvantages offenders or subjects them to harassment based on actual or perceived race, ethnicity, religious belief, national origin, sex, physical or mental disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, or intersex status.
(2) Exigent circumstances: Any set of temporary or unforeseen circumstances that require immediate action in order to combat a threat to the security or institutional order of a facility, community program, or the community.
(3) Gender: The socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society typically or historically assigns to men and women.
(4) Gender expression: The manner in which a person expresses gender through clothing, appearance, behavior, speech, etc. Gender expression is distinct from sexual orientation and gender identity.
(5) Gender identity: Refers to a person’s internal, deeply felt sense of being male, female, or non-binary; distinct from sexual orientation.
(6) Gender nonconforming: A person’s physical appearance and characteristics or behaviors that do not conform to those typically associated with the person’s assigned sex at birth or traditional societal gender expectations.
(7) Intersex: A condition in which a person is born with external genitalia, internal reproductive organs, chromosome patterns, or an endocrine system that does not fit typical definitions of male or female.
(9) OYA Gender Identity Committee (GIC): A multidisciplinary group that reviews and determines appropriate community placement, housing assignment, care, and management of offenders who identify as transgender, gender nonconforming, or intersex. The committee includes at least one person with knowledge of gender issues facing transgender and intersex offenders.
(10) Transgender: A person whose gender identity is different from the person’s assigned sex at birth.
(11) Youth correction facility: A facility used for the confinement of offenders and includes secure regional youth facilities, regional accountability camps, residential academies and satellites, camps, and branches of those facilities.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 416-435-0020’s source at or​.us