OAR 438-082-0025
Acknowledgement of Request for Review; Record


The Board shall forthwith notify the applicant of its receipt of the request for review. The notice shall direct the applicant to inform the Board not later than 15 days after the mailing of the record by the Department whether the applicant requests a fact finding hearing and, if a hearing is requested, what findings of fact, conclusions or portions of the Department’s order are contested.


Not later than 15 days after mailing of notification of the request for review to the Department, the Department shall file with the Board a certified copy of the entire Department record, including an index of all items contained in the record. The Department shall simultaneously mail to the applicant a certified copy of the record, except that any material deemed confidential by the Department may be excluded from the copy of the record mailed to the applicant. If confidential material in excluded from the copy of the record mailed to the applicant, the applicant shall be informed that material has been excluded from the applicant’s copy of the record on the basis of its confidentiality.


Upon receipt and review of the record, the Board may release additional material to the applicant or may declare additional material confidential.

Source: Rule 438-082-0025 — Acknowledgement of Request for Review; Record, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=438-082-0025.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 438-082-0025’s source at or​.us