OAR 459-001-0025
Delegation to Director and Staff


The Director is hereby authorized to take all action necessary or desirable to administer the system including but not limited to:


Design application and other forms;


Act on any application for refund of contributions; crediting service, correction of records, retirement for disability or service, and death benefits and allowances;


Calculate and authorize payment of refunds, allowances or benefits except as provided in OAR chapter 459, division 15;


Require medical, vocational or other professional examinations of disability retirement benefits applicants and recipients;


Reinstate persons from disability retirement upon the Director’s determination that disability does not exist; and


Initially review, grant or deny petitions for reconsiderations. The Director may deny any petition:


Which does not contain specific grounds for reconsideration; or


Regarding which there is no bona fide dispute of material fact, the pertinent statutes and rules are clear in their application to the facts and there was no material administrative error.


Define and settle administrative and court litigation.


The Director may refer any matter to the Board or to an administrative law judge for a contested case or other hearing.


The Director is hereby authorized to delegate to subordinates the authority to take any action on the Director’s behalf.

Source: Rule 459-001-0025 — Delegation to Director and Staff, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 459-001-0025’s source at