OAR 459-014-0040
Valid Request for Distribution of Pre-Retirement Death Benefits


For the purposes of this rule, “valid request for distribution” is when PERS receives the last required document PERS has determined necessary to distribute a death benefit to a beneficiary.


Effective January 1, 2020, a written request for an estimate by a surviving spouse of a Tier One or Tier Two member received no later than 60 days after the member’s date of death will be deemed a preliminary election under ORS 238.395 (Additional death benefit)(2). The surviving spouse then has 60 days after the date of the estimate to notify the Board in a final written election if they elect to receive the benefit provided under ORS 238.395 (Additional death benefit)(2).


PERS must receive a copy of the death certificate of the deceased member or alternate payee. PERS will provide instructions to a beneficiary identifying additional documents that must be received to make a valid request for distribution. Required documents may include but are not limited to:


Death Benefit Election;


Letters of Testamentary/Administration;


Small Estate Affidavit or out of state equivalent;


Affidavit of Next of Kin;


Affidavit of Beneficiary;


Declaration of Beneficiary;


Proof of marriage;


Proof of registered domestic partnership;


Proof of birth of the beneficiary;


Trust document or certification of trust;


Proof of Conservatorship; and


Proof of Guardianship.


Earnings crediting for the distribution amount for an IAP account beneficiary will be determined under OAR 459-007-0320 (Crediting Earnings for IAP Account Lump Sum Payments).

Source: Rule 459-014-0040 — Valid Request for Distribution of Pre-Retirement Death Benefits, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 459-014-0040’s source at