OAR 459-045-0080
PERS Notifications


PERS is separate from other public employer retirement plans and deferred compensation plans, and notification to other plans does not constitute notice to PERS. PERS is not responsible for notifying other plans of member or alternate payee changes in address, changes in eligibility, application for benefits, or death.


PERS shall send a written notification acknowledging receipt of a final court order to the submitting party. PERS shall send a copy of the acknowledgment to the other persons named in the court order only if those persons’ mailing addresses are provided to PERS.


PERS will notify an alternate payee of an event described in ORS 238.465 (Benefits payable to others under certain judgments)(2)(a)(B), unless the alternate payee has already commenced receiving alternate payee benefits.


PERS shall issue the applicable tax reporting forms directly to the recipient of any funds that are issued by PERS pursuant to a final court order.


PERS shall notify the member or the alternate payee, or both, of any benefit payments that are reduced by PERS pursuant to Section 415 of the Internal Revenue Code.

Source: Rule 459-045-0080 — PERS Notifications, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 459-045-0080’s source at