OAR 459-080-0200
IAP Account Adjustments for Earnings or Losses

(1) Earnings and losses on employee, employer, and rollover contributions under the OPSRP Individual Account Program (“IAP”) shall be credited annually in accordance with OAR 459-007-0005 (Annual Earnings Crediting)(6). In no event shall earnings or losses be credited to individual accounts until funds are actually received by PERS and have been successfully reconciled with the corresponding wage and contribution record.
(2) When a member elects to withdraw their accounts under ORS 238A.375 (Distribution of accounts to inactive member), earnings or losses for their employee and employer accounts shall be credited in accordance with OAR 459-007-0320 (Crediting Earnings for IAP Account Lump Sum Payments)(2) and earnings for the Employee Pension Stability Account (EPSA) will be credited in accordance with OAR 459-007-0370 (Crediting Earnings to the Employee Pension Stability Account on Withdrawal).
(3) When a member retires and elects to receive a lump sum payment of their accounts under ORS 238A.400 (Payment of accounts at retirement)(1), earnings or losses for their employee and employer accounts shall be credited in accordance with OAR 459-007-0320 (Crediting Earnings for IAP Account Lump Sum Payments)(1).
(4) When a member retires and elects to receive installment payments under ORS 238A.400 (Payment of accounts at retirement)(2), earnings or losses for their employee and employer accounts shall be credited in accordance with OAR 459-007-0330 (Crediting Earnings for IAP Account Installment Payments).

Source: Rule 459-080-0200 — IAP Account Adjustments for Earnings or Losses, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 459-080-0200’s source at