OAR 461-001-0020
Definitions; SNAP Employment and Training Components and Activities

The SNAP Employment and Training program consists of three types of employment programs: the Oregon Food Stamp Employment Transition (OFSET) program, the 50 percent (5050) reimbursement program, and the able-bodied adults without dependents (ABAWD) employment program. For limitations in the SNAP Employment and Training programs, see OAR 461-190-0310 (Limits to the SNAP Employment and Training Programs). The following definitions apply to rules about the SNAP Employment and Training programs in OAR chapter 461:


“Assessment” means an activity that involves gathering information to identify a client’s strengths, interests, family circumstances, status in the Employment and Training programs, goals, and vocational aptitudes and preferences and to mutually determine an employment goal, the level of the client’s participation in the Employment and Training programs, and which support services are needed to be able to participate in the components and activities.


“Case plan”, also called a personal plan or personal development plan, means a written outline, developed together by the client and Department staff or contactor staff listing activities for the client. The components and activities are identified during the assessment (see section (1) of this rule) and are intended to reduce the effect of barriers to the client’s self-sufficiency, employment, job retention, and wage enhancement. The “case plan” also identifies the support services the Department will make available to help the client complete the plan.


“Case management” means the ongoing provision by the contractor to the participant of encouragement, advocacy, and resource referrals for issues and barriers to eventual successful employment as those issues and barriers arise or may be anticipated.


“Education” means a component that improves basic skills or employability and has a direct link to employment. “Education” includes a wide range of activities including, but not limited to, English as a second language (ESL) instruction, high school attendance, and, for individuals 21 and over, high school or equivalent educational programs. In the 5050 program only, this activity could also include post-secondary education.


“FLSA” means Fair Labor Standards Act, the law that applies to subject employers with individuals working in the Workfare. “FLSA” requires that individuals engaged in unpaid employment, in effect, may not “work off” their SNAP and TANF benefits at an hourly rate less than the state minimum wage.


“Job search” means a component that focuses on clients looking for and obtaining employment.


“Job skills training” means a component that includes training designed to improve skills in locating and competing for employment in the local labor market and may include writing resumes and receiving instruction in interviewing skills.


Participation in a program of the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA).


A program authorized by section 236 of the Trade Act of 1974 (19 U.S.C. 2296).


Sheltered work or supported work: A component that gives clients intensive staff support, skill training, intervention, and counseling that will enable them to function independently at work.


Vocational training: An education component that is designed to provide classroom training in vocational and technical skills or equivalent knowledge and abilities in a specific job area. Examples are Project Independence, Women in Transition, and Nurses Aid certification.


Workfare: See OAR 461-190-0500 (Workfare; SNAP).


Work experience: A component designed to improve the employability of participants through actual work experience or training. This component is available in the 5050 program only.


Job retention: A component intended to provide support services for up to 90 days to clients who have secured employment. This component is available in the 5050 program only.

Source: Rule 461-001-0020 — Definitions; SNAP Employment and Training Components and Activities, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 461-001-0020’s source at