OAR 584-255-0030
Verification of Professional Development


Licensed educators employed in a public school, education service district or public charter school must provide to their employer or qualified Education Service District (ESD) evidence of their completion of professional development units (PDUs) in accordance with Chapter 584, Division 255.


Verification of PDUs for Renewal:


Educators employed by a public school district, education service district or private school must request verification of PDUs from districts where employed during the life of the renewable license.


School districts must verify completion of the PDUs by submitting a Professional Educator Experience Report (PEER form). PDUs submitted in this manner will not be subject to random audit.


The Director of Licensure may evaluate a private school for eligibility to verify professional development units.


Educators who are not employed by a public school district, education service district or private school, or who are employed by a school or district that does not verify PDUs, must submit their signed PDU log and certificate attesting to the fact that they have earned the reported activities.


PDUs submitted in this manner may be subject to a random audit of activities by TSPC for up to 12 months after submission of the renewal.


Licensees are required to retain the documentation providing evidence of the PDU for one year from submission of the renewal.


Acceptable evidence of PDU documentation is at the sole discretion of the Executive Director or designee, and includes but is not limited to certificates of completion, PDU Verification Form, and official transcripts.


PDU documentation of official transcripts from approved institutions that meet the PDU license requirements will not be subject to random audit.


If the educator is renewing an American Indian Language Teaching License, the tribe must verify the completion of the continuing PDUs by submitting the Professional Educator Experience Report (PEER form).


At the sole discretion of the Executive Director, any discrepancy determined by TSPC in the reporting of PDUs may trigger an audit of PDU documentation.


Verification of PDUs for Advanced Professional Development Programs: To verify Advanced PDUs for an Advanced Professional Development Program, a holder of the Preliminary Teaching License or Preliminary CTE License must:


Verify the Advanced PDUs through their employing Oregon public school district, Oregon public schools, or Oregon charter schools. Oregon school districts, public schools or charter schools must verify the completion of the Advanced PDUs by submitting the Advanced Professional Development Program form; or


Verify the Advanced PDUs through their employing Oregon Education Service District (ESD). The Oregon ESD must verify the completion of the advanced PDUs by submitting the Advanced Professional Development Program form. Educators may not obtain verification of Advanced PDUs from an Oregon ESD unless they are directly employed by the Oregon ESD.

Source: Rule 584-255-0030 — Verification of Professional Development, .

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 584-255-0030’s source at