OAR 589-005-0100
Formation of a Community College District


The petition submitted to the Commission pursuant to ORS 341.025 (Petition for formation of district) for approval of the formation of a community college district shall include the following:


Total population within the proposed community college district;


True cash and assessed valuation of the proposed community college district and property tax rates in effect in the proposed college district;


High school enrollment within the proposed community college district;


Maps showing the location of high schools within the proposed community college district;


The minimum number of required signatures of 500, or 10 percent, of the electors registered in each county or parts of counties within the designated territory, whichever is the lesser. The number of required signatures for each county or parts of counties shall be proportionate to the qualified voters of the entire proposed community college district.


The boundaries of the territory to be included in the proposed community college district which may include all or part of the territory lying within the boundaries of a school district and may be located in more than one county;


The method of nomination and election of the board of education of the proposed community college district from among the methods described in ORS 341.327 (Method of electing board).


In addition to the criteria set forth under ORS 341.045 (Feasibility study), and in keeping with its responsibilities outlined under ORS 341.055 (Hearing) and 341.065 (Dismissal of petition), the Commission shall determine whether the formation of a community college district is warranted.


In considering whether residents of an area will materially benefit from inclusion in a community college district, as described in ORS 341.055 (Hearing), the Commission shall consider:


The number of potential students living within 50 miles of the location of the proposed community college district’s main campus;


Other indications that a community of interest exists that connects the area to the proposed community college district.

Source: Rule 589-005-0100 — Formation of a Community College District, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=589-005-0100.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 589-005-0100’s source at