OAR 589-020-0320
Authority to Request Social Security Numbers


It is the policy of the Office of Workforce Investments (OWI) and providers of WIOA Title I services to request participants registering for or participating in services provided in relation to WIOA Title I services or activities to voluntarily provide and authorize the use of their Social Security numbers. Participants are requested to release their Social Security numbers for purposes of record keeping related to referral and service delivery, and for performance measurement, research, planning, and program evaluation. The request shall notify the participant that/of:


Release of the Social Security number is voluntary;


The authority through which the request for release is made; and


The uses that will be made of the Social Security number. Those uses must be described in the notification.


The request of a participant to release their Social Security number shall conform to forms and/or procedures developed by OWI. Any alteration in the wording or procedure must be approved by OWI. When an individual registers or applies for WIOA Title I services, the individual will be provided with a notice about the request to obtain and use the Social Security number. Individuals will be requested to voluntarily agree to the use of Social Security numbers for the uses described in that notice.


Refusal to voluntarily disclose or permit the use of a Social Security number by the individual will not be used as a basis to deny the individual any right, benefit, or privilege provided solely under WIOA Title I.


Any specific program that requests or requires disclosure of a Social Security number in relation to or as a condition of eligibility to participate in that specific program (such as unemployment insurance compensation, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, or Oregon Health Plan) will separately advise applicants about those specific eligibility requirements. If an individual refuses to voluntarily consent to disclosure of their Social Security number for WIOA Title I purposes, but releases the Social Security number as a mandatory condition for participating in a specific program, the mandatory program will mask the Social Security number or take any other appropriate action to ensure it is used only for purposes allowed under the mandatory disclosure requirement.


A completed form that authorizes the use of Social Security numbers and related records for WIOA Title I purposes will remain valid unless or until revoked, and OWI and providers in the WIOA Title I service delivery system may utilize Social Security numbers for authorized purposes.


If an individual refuses to authorize the use or disclosure of their Social Security number, OWI or WIOA Title I providers may assign an alternative individual identification number. Such number is personally identifiable information and is governed by disclosure requirements under the Public Records Law, ORS 192.410 to 192.505.


Participants receiving services funded by WIOA Title I who enter work-based programs such as on-the-job training or work experience activities will be required to disclose their Social Security number for employment or payroll purposes. All other provisions of this rule will apply to the use of the Social Security number.


Social Security numbers will not be disclosed to the general public.

Source: Rule 589-020-0320 — Authority to Request Social Security Numbers, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=589-020-0320.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 589-020-0320’s source at