OAR 603-012-0011
Catching Chutes for Livestock Disease Purposes


Each livestock auction market shall maintain one or more catching chutes for testing, treating, or examining livestock for disease purposes.


Chutes shall be constructed of strong materials equipped for segregation of livestock, headed by a stanchion, permitting free access to livestock and constructed to provide shelter from the elements as well as prevent danger of physical injury to employees or veterinarians.


Chutes and access alleys to the chutes shall be floored with concrete or other impervious material and otherwise constructed to permit thorough cleaning, drainage, and disinfecting thereof, and shall be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after each sale. The construction of floors of catching chutes and access alleys shall be approved by the Department.


Chutes shall be lighted sufficiently to permit the proper examination and treatment of livestock.


Chutes shall be of such number and so located within the market area to permit ready access by livestock at all times.

Source: Rule 603-012-0011 — Catching Chutes for Livestock Disease Purposes, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=603-012-0011.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 603-012-0011’s source at or​.us