OAR 603-095-1140
Landowners must comply with OAR 603-095-1140 (Requirements)(2) through (3) within the following limitations: A landowner is responsible for only those conditions resulting from activities controlled by the landowner. A landowner is not responsible for conditions resulting from activities by landowners on other lands. A landowner is not responsible for conditions that: are natural, could not have been reasonably anticipated, or that result from unusual weather events or other exceptional circumstances.(2)
Streamside Vegetation: Effective upon adoption of these rules, agricultural activities must allow the establishment, growth, and maintenance of vegetation along streams. Vegetation must be sufficient to control water pollution by moderating solar heating, minimizing streambank erosion, filtering sediments and nutrients from overland flows, and improving the infiltration of water into the soil profile. The streambank should have sufficient vegetation to resist erosion during high streamflows, such as those reasonably expected to occur once every 25 years.(3)
Waste Management: Effective on rule adoption, no person subject to these rules shall violate any provision of ORS 468B.025 (Prohibited activities) or 468B.050 (Water quality permit).
Rule 603-095-1140 — Requirements, https://secure.sos.state.or.us/oard/view.action?ruleNumber=603-095-1140