OAR 635-043-0130
Grand Ronde Reservation and Trust Lands Wildlife Management


The Commission authorizes the take of the following wildlife, to be allocated by the Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon (Tribe, for purposes of this rule) for the purposes of accomplishing the goals of the “Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Fish and Wildlife Management Plan,” (Management Plan) dated September 5, 2014, and delegates to the Tribe the management of fish and wildlife resources on the Tribe’s reservation and trust lands, in accordance with the Management Plan.


The Department authorizes the Tribe to annually take the following number of animals and shall provide tags annually, where applicable:


Columbia Black-tailed Deer: 200 animals


Roosevelt Elk: 200 animals


Cougar: 50 animals.


Bear: 50 animals.


Crayfish: no annual limit.


Pacific Lamprey: 100 animals.


Cutthroat trout: no annual limit.


Spring Chinook: 100 animals.


Coho: 100 animals.


Upland Game Birds (Blue (Sooty) Grouse, Ruffed Grouse, Mountain Quail, California Quail and wild Turkey): no annual limit.


Bobcat: 100 animals.


Harvesters exercising take authorized by subsection (2) must possess the applicable state-issued permits, licenses and tags and a tribally issued hunting tag, however a valid tribal license issued pursuant to the Consent Decree (OAR 635-041-0600 (Confederated Tribes of the Grand Ronde Community of Oregon)) along with a tag issued under subsection (2) of this rule may be used in lieu of any otherwise required state license, tag or permit. The Tribe may impose such conditions upon the take of this wildlife, which must occur on reservation or trust lands, as the Tribes determine will effect the purposes of the Management Plan.


The Tribe shall report actual take to the Department under this authority by January 30 of the year following the take.


This rule does not delegate any authority with respect to fish hatcheries or fish supplementation programs. Any proposal to build a fish hatchery or implement a hatchery supplementation program would require additional agreement between the Tribe and the Commission.

Source: Rule 635-043-0130 — Grand Ronde Reservation and Trust Lands Wildlife Management, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=635-043-0130.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 635-043-0130’s source at or​.us