OAR 635-055-0030
Limitations on Species Captured and/or Held


Falconers may take only raptors less than one year of age from the wild during any capture season. Any adult raptor inadvertently taken must be immediately released.


Only the following raptor species and number of each may be taken in the state during the capture season unless otherwise specified:


Red-tailed hawk, American kestrel, Cooper’s hawk, sharp-shinned hawk and great horned owl — unlimited and statewide except that great horned owls may be taken as nestlings only.


Goshawk -- unlimited and statewide except that no nestling goshawks may be taken in the area north of the Umpqua River and west of Interstate 5. Passage goshawks may be taken statewide.


Prairie falcon -- unlimited and statewide.


Merlin -- unlimited and statewide except no nestling merlins may be taken.


Gyrfalcon -- only three (3) may be captured from the wild during each capture season. Gyrfalcons may be captured statewide. Gyrfalcon capture permits are issued to Master falconers only and an individual falconer may not capture more than one gyrfalcon per capture season. All gyrfalcon capture permit holders will be notified when the quota has been reached. No take of gyrfalcons is authorized for non-resident falconers.


Northern harrier -- only five (5) may be captured from the wild during each capture season including those northern harriers made available by the Department for conservation management purposes. No take of northern harriers is authorized for non-resident falconers.


Golden eagle -- Golden eagles may be captured, imported and/or used for falconry only in accordance with Federal falconry standards in 50 CFR§22.24 and OAR 065-055-0036.


Peregrine falcons may be taken statewide. Peregrine falcon capture permits are issued to Master and General class falconers only. The annual allowable take of peregrine falcons is ten (10) individuals (OAR-065-0037).


Red-shouldered hawk -- only three (3) may be captured from the wild during each capture season. Red-shouldered hawks may be captured statewide, except no nestlings may be taken.


Great Horned Owls: Nestlings may be taken February through June.


The possession of legally acquired non-indigenous raptors listed as a migratory bird in 50 CFR§10.13 is allowed. Only indigenous raptor species, raptors listed in 50 CFR§10.13 and raptors classified as non-controlled or controlled in the Oregon Wildlife Integrity rules (OAR 635-056) are allowed. The possession for falconry purposes of hybrid raptors of species listed in 50 CFR§10 are allowed.

Source: Rule 635-055-0030 — Limitations on Species Captured and/or Held, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=635-055-0030.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 635-055-0030’s source at or​.us