OAR 635-067-0034
Bighorn Sheep Raffle Tag


One bighorn sheep tag will be raffled during the current year to an individual selected at a public drawing. The Department may contract with a sportsmen’s group or organization to conduct the raffle.


The bighorn sheep raffle tag shall be limited as follows:


Bag Limit: One bighorn sheep ram.


Hunting Hours: One-half hour before sunrise to one-half hour after sunset.


Open Season: The season shall begin on August 1 and shall end on November 30.


Open Area: Any area where bighorn sheep hunts and tags have been authorized for the tube current year. The remainder of the state is closed to bighorn sheep hunting.


Raffle Requirements:


There is no limit on the number of chances in the drawing a person may purchase. Raffle chances shall be available for purchase in the following denominations:


One chance package at a cost of $9.50 (plus a $2.00 license agent fee).


Six chance package at a cost of $49.50 (plus a $2.00 license agent fee).


Thirteen chance package at a cost of $99.50 (plus a $2.00 license agent fee).


Raffle chances will be available to the public during the dates specified in the current Big Game Regulations through the authorized license agents in the state or online. Chances may be sold by Department representatives at various gatherings of sportmen’s groups.


Residents and nonresidents shall be eligible to purchase chances.


There shall be no refunds on any purchases of raffle chances.


One winner and two alternate winners will be drawn at a public drawing; time and location to be announced by the Department.


The Department will mail notification to the winner and two alternates. If the winner does not claim the tag by 5 p.m., July 1, the winner shall be disqualified and the Department will offer the tag to the first alternate. If the first alternate does not claim the tag within 10 business days of July 1, the second alternate will be contacted. If the tag is not claimed by 5 p.m., July 31, it will not be issued.


License and Tag Requirements: A valid bighorn sheep tag will be provided to the winner of the raffle and a valid hunting license will be provided if the winner has not already purchased one, so long as the winner is eligible to purchase an adult Oregon hunting license or a juvenile Oregon hunting license.


The bighorn sheep tag shall be issued in the name of the person who purchased the winning chance provided that person meets all criteria outlined above. The tag may not be sold, assigned, or otherwise transferred.


The winner of the bighorn sheep tag may be required to complete a bighorn sheep hunting orientation course prior to their hunt. The hunter shall inform the Department as to where and when the hunt will be conducted.


If the holder of the raffle bighorn sheep tag is successful in taking a bighorn sheep ram, that person shall present the ram to the Department for permanent marking within five days of taking of the ram.

Source: Rule 635-067-0034 — Bighorn Sheep Raffle Tag, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=635-067-0034.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 635-067-0034’s source at