OAR 635-079-0005


Any person applying for appointment as a black bear and/or cougar agent for the Department must submit a completed volunteer application form providing at least the following:


The person’s name, contact information and employment history;


A detailed description of the person’s experience in pursuing or hunting wildlife with dogs;


A detailed description of the person’s experience with firearms, first aid and the use of all-terrain vehicles, four wheel drive pickups, and snowmobiles;


A detailed description of the person’s tracking dogs, including their training history, licensing status, canine immunization records, and the locations, timing and species of wildlife the dogs have pursued;


A current certified copy of his or her motor vehicle records; and


A detailed description of available equipment that can be used while pursuing or hunting cougar or bear with dogs.


The Department shall review the person’s application materials, run state and national criminal records checks on the person, hold an in-person interview, and determine whether the person meets the following criteria:


Is not awaiting prosecution for and has not been convicted of any felony or any violation of the animal cruelty, animal abuse, or domestic abuse laws;


Is not awaiting prosecution for and has not been convicted of a wildlife violation involving the illegal take of wildlife;


Is not awaiting prosecution for and has not been convicted of aiding in the illegal take of wildlife;


Is not awaiting prosecution for and has not been convicted of any wildlife violation involving the use of dogs;


Is not awaiting prosecution for and has not been convicted of any violation involving illegal drugs or alcohol abuse;


Has not had his or her hunting or fishing license suspended for a wildlife violation;


Would be available to respond to assignment by the Department;


Is skilled in the safe use of firearms, all terrain vehicles, four wheel drive pickups, and snowmobiles;


Has a basic understanding of first aid;


Understands and respects basic principles of wildlife management; and


Currently holds an Oregon driver’s license.


The Department will consider the experience level of the person for each of the criteria listed in paragraph (2) and will use that information to select individuals suitable for appointment as an agent.


The Department will review any violations on the person’s record.


The Department retains discretion to determine how many agents to appoint and which applicants would best represent the state of Oregon.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 635-079-0005’s source at or​.us