OAR 660-029-0010

For purposes of this division, the definitions contained in ORS 197.015 (Definitions for ORS chapters 195, 196, 197 and ORS 197A.300 to 197A.325) and the Statewide Land Use Planning Goals (OAR chapter 660, division 15) apply. In addition, the following definitions apply:


“Conservation easement” has the meaning provided in ORS 271.715 (Definitions for ORS 271.715 to 271.795).


“Measure 49” or “M49” means Oregon Laws 2007, chapter 424 (Ballot Measure 49); Oregon Laws 2009, chapter 855 (also known as House Bill 3225); Oregon Laws 2010, chapter 8 (also known as Senate Bill 1049); Oregon Laws 2011, chapter 612 (also known as House Bill 3620) and OAR 660-041-0000 (Purpose and Applicability) to 660-041-0180 (County Implementation of Measure 49 Authorizations).


“Measure 49 Property” or “M49 property” means the entire property authorized for home site development as described either:


In the final order issued by the Department of Land Conservation and Development (department) for the supplemental review of Measure 37 claims pursuant to Measure 49; or


In a court order issued upon judicial review of a department M49 order described in subsection (a).


“Receiving area” means a county-designated area of land to which a holder of development credits generated from a sending property may transfer the development credits and within which additional residential uses not otherwise allowed are allowed by reason of the transfer.


“Sending property” means a M49 property that qualifies under OAR 660-029-0030 (Sending Properties), from which development credits generated from forgone M49 home site development are transferable, for residential uses not otherwise allowed, to a receiving area.


“Transferable development credit” or “TDC” means a severable development interest in real property that can be transferred from a sending property to a lot, parcel or tract in a receiving area.
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 660-029-0010’s source at or​.us