OAR 660-044-0040
Cooperative Selection of a Preferred Scenario; Initial Adoption
Within one year of adoption or amendment of a preferred scenario, Metro shall amend the regional framework plan and the regional growth concept to select and incorporate a preferred land use and transportation scenario that meets targets in OAR 660-044-0020 (Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Target for the Portland Metropolitan Area) consistent with the requirements of this division.(2)
In preparing and selecting a preferred land use and transportation scenario Metro shall:(a)
Consult with affected local governments, the Port of Portland, TriMet, and the Oregon Department of Transportation;(b)
Consider adopted comprehensive plans and local aspirations for growth in developing and selecting a preferred land use and transportation scenario;(c)
Use assumptions about population, housing and employment growth consistent with the coordinated population and employment projections for the metropolitan area for the planning period;(d)
Use evaluation methods and analysis tools for estimating greenhouse gas emissions that are:(A)
Consistent with the provisions of this division;(B)
Reflect best available information and practices; and,(C)
Coordinated with the Oregon Department of Transportation.(e)
Make assumptions about state and federal policies and programs expected to be in effect over the planning period, including the Statewide Transportation Strategy, in coordination with the responsible state agencies;(f)
Evaluate a reference case scenario that reflects implementation of existing adopted comprehensive plans and transportation plans;(g)
Evaluate at least two alternative land use and transportation scenarios for meeting greenhouse gas reduction targets and identify types of amendments to comprehensive plans and land use regulations likely to be necessary to implement each alternative scenario;(h)
Develop and apply evaluation criteria that assess how alternative land use and transportation scenarios compare with the reference case in achieving important regional goals or outcomes;(i)
Evaluate if the preferred scenario relies on new investments or funding sources to achieve the target, the feasibility of the investments or funding sources including:(A)
A general estimate of the amount of additional funding needed;(B)
Identification of potential/likely funding mechanisms for key actions, including local or regional funding mechanisms; and,(C)
Coordination of estimates of potential state and federal funding sources with relevant state agencies (i.e. the Oregon Department of Transportation for transportation funding); and,(D)
Consider effects of alternative scenarios on development and travel patterns in the surrounding area (i.e. whether proposed policies will cause change in development or increased light vehicle travel between metropolitan area and surrounding communities compared to reference case).(3)
The preferred land use and transportation scenario shall include:(a)
A description of the land use and transportation growth concept providing for land use design types;(b)
A concept map showing the land use design types;(c)
Policies and strategies intended to achieve the target reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in OAR 660-044-0020 (Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Target for the Portland Metropolitan Area);(d)
Planning assumptions upon which the preferred scenario relies including:(A)
Assumptions about state and federal policies and programs;(B)
Assumptions about vehicle technology, fleet or fuels, if those are different than those provided in OAR 660-044-0030 (Methods for Estimating Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Emissions Reductions);(C)
Assumptions or estimates of expected housing and employment growth by jurisdiction and land use design type; and(D)
Assumptions about proposed regional programs or actions other than those that set requirements for city and county comprehensive plans and land use regulations, such as investments and incentives;(e)
Performance measures and targets to monitor and guide implementation of the preferred scenario. Performance measures and targets shall be related to key elements, actions and expected outcomes from the preferred scenario. The performance measures shall include performance measures adopted to meet requirements of OAR 660-012-0035 (Evaluation and Selection of Transportation System Alternatives)(5); and(f)
Recommendations for state or federal policies or actions to support the preferred scenario.(4)
When amending the regional framework plan, Metro shall adopt findings demonstrating that implementation of the preferred land use and transportation scenario meets the requirements of this division and can reasonably be expected to achieve the greenhouse gas emission reductions as set forth in the target in OAR 660-044-0020 (Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Target for the Portland Metropolitan Area). Metro’s findings shall:(a)
Demonstrate Metro’s process for cooperative selection of a preferred alternative meets the requirements in subsections (2)(a)–(i);(b)
Explain how the expected pattern of land use development in combination with land use and transportation policies, programs, actions set forth in the preferred scenario will result in levels of greenhouse gas emissions from light vehicle travel that achieve the target in OAR 660-044-0020 (Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction Target for the Portland Metropolitan Area);(c)
Explain how the framework plan amendments are consistent with and adequate to carry out the preferred scenario, and are consistent with other provisions of the Regional Framework Plan; and,(d)
Explain how the preferred scenario is or will be made consistent with other applicable statewide planning goals or rules.(5)
Guidance on evaluation criteria and performance measures.(a)
The purpose of evaluation criteria referred to in subsection (2)(h) is to encourage Metro to select a preferred scenario that achieves greenhouse gas emissions reductions in a way that maximizes attainment of other community goals and benefits. This rule does not require the use of specific evaluation criteria. The following are examples of categories of evaluation criteria that Metro might use:(A)
Public health;(B)
Air quality;(C)
Household spending on energy or transportation;(D)
Implementation costs;(E)
Economic development;(F)
Access to parks and open space; and,(G)
The purpose of performance measures and targets referred to in subsection (3)(e) is to enable Metro and area local governments to monitor and assess whether key elements or actions that make up the preferred scenario are being implemented, and whether the preferred scenario is achieving the expected outcomes. This rule does not establish or require use of particular performance measures or targets. The following are examples of types of performance measures that Metro might establish:(A)
Transit service revenue hours;(B)
Mode share;(C)
People per acre by 2040 Growth Concept design type;(D)
Percent of workforce participating in employee commute options programs; and(E)
Percent of households and jobs within one-quarter mile of transit.
Rule 660-044-0040 — Cooperative Selection of a Preferred Scenario; Initial Adoption, https://secure.sos.state.or.us/oard/view.action?ruleNumber=660-044-0040