OAR 690-315-0090
Time of Extensions and Additional Development of Municipal and Quasi-Municipal Water Use Permits


Extensions may be granted for the reasonable time necessary to complete water development or apply all the water to beneficial use.


A holder of a municipal or quasi-municipal water use permit is not precluded from seeking additional extensions of time as provided in OAR 690-315-0070 (Application for Extension of Time for Municipal and Quasi-Municipal Water Use Permits) through 690-315-0100 (Department Action on Extension Applications by Holders of Municipal Water Supply Permits).


Except as provided in subsection (4) and (5), any water right permit extended under OAR 690-315-0070 (Application for Extension of Time for Municipal and Quasi-Municipal Water Use Permits) to 690-315-0100 (Department Action on Extension Applications by Holders of Municipal Water Supply Permits) shall be conditioned to provide that diversion of water beyond the maximum rate, or duty if applicable, diverted for beneficial use before the extension shall only be authorized upon issuance of a final order approving a Water Management and Conservation Plan. The required Water Management and Conservation Plan shall be submitted within 3 years of an approved extension application.


Quasi-municipal water use permit holders that serve a population of less than 1000 are not subject to subsection (3) of this rule unless on review of the criteria under 690-315-0080 (Criteria for Department Review of Extension Applications for Municipal and Quasi-Municipal Water Use Permits)(1) and (2) the Department determines that compliance with subsection (3) of this rule is necessary.


Quasi-municipal water use permit holders that can reasonably demonstrate that fewer than 5 years is necessary to complete construction and apply the water to beneficial use are not subject to subsection (3) of this rule unless on review of the criteria under 690-315-0080 (Criteria for Department Review of Extension Applications for Municipal and Quasi-Municipal Water Use Permits)(1) and (2) the Department determines that compliance with subsection (3) of this rule is necessary. Additional extensions that, together with the initial extension, exceed a cumulative total of 5 years will be subject to the requirements of subsection (3) above.

Source: Rule 690-315-0090 — Time of Extensions and Additional Development of Municipal and Quasi-Municipal Water Use Permits, https://secure.­sos.­state.­or.­us/oard/view.­action?ruleNumber=690-315-0090.

Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 690-315-0090’s source at or​.us