OAR 735-062-0125
Standards for Issuance of a Renewal or Replacement Driver License, Driver Permit or Identification Card Containing a Previous Photograph by Mail


If an applicant is unable to renew or replace their driver license, driver permit or identification card by visiting a DMV office or by electronic transaction, as described in OAR 735-018-0170 (Renewal of Real ID or Non-Real ID Driver License, Driver Permit or Identification Card by Electronic Transaction at DMV’s Website), DMV may issue a renewal or replacement driver license, driver permit or identification card containing a photograph already on file with DMV, as authorized in ORS 807.115 (Digital images of photographs and signatures), to applicants in accordance with this rule.


DMV may renew or replace an applicant’s Real ID or non-Real ID driver license, driver permit or identification card, in accordance with applicable statutes authorizing renewal or replacement, by issuing a renewal or replacement driver license, driver permit or identification card containing a photograph of the applicant already on file with DMV, if the applicant:


Provides proof that the applicant is a resident of or domiciled in Oregon as described in OAR 735-016-0040 (Application of Domicile and Residency Requirements);


If an applicant is applying for a renewal or replacement Real ID, the applicant must have previously proven lawful status in the United States as required by OAR 735-062-0022 (Proof of Identity, Date of Birth and Lawful Status for Real ID);


Provides the applicant’s SSN or a written statement that the person has not been assigned a SSN, as required under OAR 735-062-0005 (SSN — Requirements for Collection and Verification of SSN or a Statement No SSN Assigned). DMV will verify the SSN with the SSA unless the SSN provided has previously been verified;


Notwithstanding section (2)(c), if an applicant is applying for a renewal or replacement Real ID, the applicant must meet all requirements set forth in OAR 735-062-0006 (Real ID Requirements for Collection of Proof and Verification of SSN or Proof of Ineligibility for a SSN);


Provides proof that the applicant is, in fact, the applicant to whom the driver license, driver permit or identification card to be renewed or replaced was issued; and


Meets all other qualifications for the driver license, driver permit or identification card sought.


An applicant for a renewal driver license, driver permit or identification card containing a previous photograph on file must submit a written statement to DMV establishing good cause why the applicant is not able to appear and apply for the renewal driver license, driver permit or identification card at a DMV office. Circumstances constituting “good cause” include, but are not limited to, the following:


The applicant is temporarily in another jurisdiction or country for business reasons, employment or education, will be returning to Oregon, and continues to satisfy Oregon’s residency requirements.


The applicant is traveling outside of Oregon and the applicant’s Oregon driver license, driver permit or identification card is lost, stolen or mutilated;


The applicant is traveling outside of Oregon and the applicant’s Oregon driver license, driver permit or identification card has expired or will expire before the applicant returns to Oregon; or


The applicant has a medical condition or health problems that prevent him or her from applying for a renewal driver license, driver permit or identification card at a DMV field office and submits to DMV proof of the medical condition or health problems from the applicant’s licensed health care provider.


DMV will not issue a valid with previous photograph replacement or renewal driver license, driver permit or identification card to an otherwise qualified applicant, if the applicant makes a request to change name, date of birth or SSN.


DMV will not issue a valid with previous photograph renewal Real ID to an applicant who provided proof of lawful status in the United States on a temporary basis under OAR 735-062-0022 (Proof of Identity, Date of Birth and Lawful Status for Real ID).


Notwithstanding section (2) of this rule, DMV may issue a renewal driver license, driver permit or identification card containing a photograph of the applicant already on file with DMV, if the applicant has an Oregon driver license, driver permit or identification card and is on active duty in the United States Armed Forces stationed outside of Oregon who provides a copy of the applicant’s:


Most current Leave Earning Statement showing Oregon as the applicant’s home on record;


Federally-issued active duty Military identification card; and


SSN to be verified with the SSA, if not previously verified.


A spouse, domestic partner or dependent of a military person on active duty in the United States Armed Forces outside of Oregon who qualifies under section (6) of this rule, who has an Oregon driver license, driver permit or identification card may qualify for a renewed driver license, driver permit or identification card using the previous photograph, if the spouse, domestic partner or dependent provides a copy of the following:


The military member’s most current Leave Earning Statement showing Oregon as the military member’s home on record;


The military member’s active duty Military identification card;


The spouse, domestic partner or dependent’s Military identification card; and


The spouse, domestic partner or dependent’s Social Security number. DMV must verify the SSN with the SSA, if not previously verified.


Notwithstanding section (4) of this rule, DMV may issue a renewal or replacement driver license, driver permit or identification card that is not Real ID with a name change to an applicant who provides sufficient proof of full legal name as required by OAR 735-062-0014 (Proof of Legal Name) and otherwise qualifies for a valid with previous photograph driver license, driver permit or identification card under section (6) or (7) of this rule.


A replacement driver license, driver permit or identification card issued at a DMV office will contain the applicant’s previous photograph on file unless the applicant requests a new photograph.


DMV will not replace or renew a driver license, driver permit or identification card under this rule, if the applicant’s most recent photograph on file with DMV is more than nine years old.
(11) Notwithstanding section (2)(a) of this rule, an applicant for a replacement driver license, permit or identification card containing a previous photograph on file is not required to provide proof of residency or domicile in Oregon as described in OAR 735-016-0040 (Application of Domicile and Residency Requirements).

Source: Rule 735-062-0125 — Standards for Issuance of a Renewal or Replacement Driver License, Driver Permit or Identification Card Containing a Previous Photograph by Mail, .

SSN — Requirements for Collection and Verification of SSN or a Statement No SSN Assigned
Real ID Requirements for Collection of Proof and Verification of SSN or Proof of Ineligibility for a SSN
Driver Permits or Driver Licenses
Real ID Driver Licenses or Driver Permits
Identification Cards
Real ID Identification Cards
Veteran Designation on a Driver License, Driver Permit or Identification Card
Physical Description on Driver License, Driver Permit or Identification Card
Proof of Legal Name
Requirements for Establishing Identity Under ORS 807.024 and Consequences of Applicant’s Failure to Establish Identity
Proof of Identity and Date of Birth Requirements
Proof of Identity, Date of Birth and Lawful Status for Real ID
Proof of Legal Name, Real ID
Proof of Residence Address
Proof of Residence Address For Real ID
Proof of School Attendance, Completion or Exemption
Knowledge Test
Eyesight Check Content and Standards
Periodic Check of Driver’s Eyesight
Drive Test
Denial of Further Testing
Waiving Knowledge Test for Motorcycle Endorsement
Waiving Drive Test Portion of Driver License Examination
Restrictions on Driving Privileges
Notification of Approaching Expiration of Driver License, Driver Permit, and Identification Card
Renewal Driver Licenses and Identification Cards
Mailing Driver Licenses, Driver Permits and Identification Cards
Interim Cards
Surrendered Driver License, Driver Permit or Identification Card
Replacement Driver Permits, Driver Licenses, and Identification Cards
Non-Issue of a Driver License Following Confiscation
Standards for Issuance of Driver’s Licenses Without a Photograph
Standards for Issuance of a Renewal or Replacement Driver License, Driver Permit or Identification Card Containing a Previous Photograph by Mail
Issuance of a Replacement Driver License, Driver Permit or Identification Card with a New Number
Voluntary Surrender of Driving Privileges
Proof of Completion of a Traffic Safety Education or Motorcycle Education Course
Clearance Letter
Issuance, Replacement or Renewal of Undercover Driver Licenses or Identification Cards to Law Enforcement Officials
Fee for Real ID Credentials
Special Limited Vision Condition Learner’s Permit
Training Program for the Use of Bioptic Telescopic Lenses to Drive
Qualifications to be Certified by DMV as a Rehabilitation Training Specialist
Rehabilitation Training Specialist Certificates
Regulation of Rehabilitation Specialists and Programs Offered
Issuance of Certificate of Competency
Issuance of a Permit or Driver License to a Person with a Limited Vision Condition
Maintaining Qualification Under the Limited Vision Condition Program or Cancellation
Hearing Following a Cancellation of Driving Privileges Issued to a Person with a Limited Vision Condition
Driving Privileges without a Daylight Hours Restriction for Persons with a Limited Vision Condition
Last Updated

Jun. 8, 2021

Rule 735-062-0125’s source at