Purpose 735‑062‑0002
Definitions 735‑062‑0005
SSN — Requirements for Collection and Verification of SSN or a Statement No SSN Assigned 735‑062‑0006
Real ID Requirements for Collection of Proof and Verification of SSN or Proof of Ineligibility for a SSN 735‑062‑0007
Driver Permits or Driver Licenses 735‑062‑0008
Real ID Driver Licenses or Driver Permits 735‑062‑0010
Identification Cards 735‑062‑0011
Real ID Identification Cards 735‑062‑0012
Veteran Designation on a Driver License, Driver Permit or Identification Card 735‑062‑0013
Physical Description on Driver License, Driver Permit or Identification Card 735‑062‑0014
Proof of Legal Name 735‑062‑0016
Requirements for Establishing Identity Under ORS 807.024 and Consequences of Applicant’s Failure to Establish Identity 735‑062‑0020
Proof of Identity and Date of Birth Requirements 735‑062‑0022
Proof of Identity, Date of Birth and Lawful Status for Real ID 735‑062‑0023
Proof of Legal Name, Real ID 735‑062‑0030
Proof of Residence Address 735‑062‑0031
Proof of Residence Address For Real ID 735‑062‑0035
Proof of School Attendance, Completion or Exemption 735‑062‑0040
Knowledge Test 735‑062‑0050
Eyesight Check Content and Standards 735‑062‑0060
Periodic Check of Driver’s Eyesight 735‑062‑0070
Drive Test 735‑062‑0073
Denial of Further Testing 735‑062‑0078
Waiving Knowledge Test for Motorcycle Endorsement 735‑062‑0080
Waiving Drive Test Portion of Driver License Examination 735‑062‑0087
Restrictions on Driving Privileges 735‑062‑0088
Notification of Approaching Expiration of Driver License, Driver Permit, and Identification Card 735‑062‑0090
Renewal Driver Licenses and Identification Cards 735‑062‑0092
Mailing Driver Licenses, Driver Permits and Identification Cards 735‑062‑0094
Interim Cards 735‑062‑0096
Surrendered Driver License, Driver Permit or Identification Card 735‑062‑0110
Replacement Driver Permits, Driver Licenses, and Identification Cards 735‑062‑0115
Non-Issue of a Driver License Following Confiscation 735‑062‑0120
Standards for Issuance of Driver’s Licenses Without a Photograph 735‑062‑0125
Standards for Issuance of a Renewal or Replacement Driver License, Driver Permit or Identification Card Containing a Previous Photograph by Mail 735‑062‑0130
Issuance of a Replacement Driver License, Driver Permit or Identification Card with a New Number 735‑062‑0135
Voluntary Surrender of Driving Privileges 735‑062‑0140
Proof of Completion of a Traffic Safety Education or Motorcycle Education Course 735‑062‑0160
Clearance Letter 735‑062‑0290
Issuance, Replacement or Renewal of Undercover Driver Licenses or Identification Cards to Law Enforcement Officials 735‑062‑0295
Fee for Real ID Credentials 735‑062‑0300
Purpose 735‑062‑0310
Definitions 735‑062‑0320
Special Limited Vision Condition Learner’s Permit 735‑062‑0330
Training Program for the Use of Bioptic Telescopic Lenses to Drive 735‑062‑0340
Qualifications to be Certified by DMV as a Rehabilitation Training Specialist 735‑062‑0350
Rehabilitation Training Specialist Certificates 735‑062‑0360
Regulation of Rehabilitation Specialists and Programs Offered 735‑062‑0370
Issuance of Certificate of Competency 735‑062‑0380
Issuance of a Permit or Driver License to a Person with a Limited Vision Condition 735‑062‑0385
Maintaining Qualification Under the Limited Vision Condition Program or Cancellation 735‑062‑0387
Hearing Following a Cancellation of Driving Privileges Issued to a Person with a Limited Vision Condition 735‑062‑0390
Driving Privileges without a Daylight Hours Restriction for Persons with a Limited Vision Condition
Purpose 735‑062‑0002
Definitions 735‑062‑0005
SSN — Requirements for Collection and Verification of SSN or a Statement No SSN Assigned 735‑062‑0006
Real ID Requirements for Collection of Proof and Verification of SSN or Proof of Ineligibility for a SSN 735‑062‑0007
Driver Permits or Driver Licenses 735‑062‑0008
Real ID Driver Licenses or Driver Permits 735‑062‑0010
Identification Cards 735‑062‑0011
Real ID Identification Cards 735‑062‑0012
Veteran Designation on a Driver License, Driver Permit or Identification Card 735‑062‑0013
Physical Description on Driver License, Driver Permit or Identification Card 735‑062‑0014
Proof of Legal Name 735‑062‑0016
Requirements for Establishing Identity Under ORS 807.024 and Consequences of Applicant’s Failure to Establish Identity 735‑062‑0020
Proof of Identity and Date of Birth Requirements 735‑062‑0022
Proof of Identity, Date of Birth and Lawful Status for Real ID 735‑062‑0023
Proof of Legal Name, Real ID 735‑062‑0030
Proof of Residence Address 735‑062‑0031
Proof of Residence Address For Real ID 735‑062‑0035
Proof of School Attendance, Completion or Exemption 735‑062‑0040
Knowledge Test 735‑062‑0050
Eyesight Check Content and Standards 735‑062‑0060
Periodic Check of Driver’s Eyesight 735‑062‑0070
Drive Test 735‑062‑0073
Denial of Further Testing 735‑062‑0078
Waiving Knowledge Test for Motorcycle Endorsement 735‑062‑0080
Waiving Drive Test Portion of Driver License Examination 735‑062‑0087
Restrictions on Driving Privileges 735‑062‑0088
Notification of Approaching Expiration of Driver License, Driver Permit, and Identification Card 735‑062‑0090
Renewal Driver Licenses and Identification Cards 735‑062‑0092
Mailing Driver Licenses, Driver Permits and Identification Cards 735‑062‑0094
Interim Cards 735‑062‑0096
Surrendered Driver License, Driver Permit or Identification Card 735‑062‑0110
Replacement Driver Permits, Driver Licenses, and Identification Cards 735‑062‑0115
Non-Issue of a Driver License Following Confiscation 735‑062‑0120
Standards for Issuance of Driver’s Licenses Without a Photograph 735‑062‑0125
Standards for Issuance of a Renewal or Replacement Driver License, Driver Permit or Identification Card Containing a Previous Photograph by Mail 735‑062‑0130
Issuance of a Replacement Driver License, Driver Permit or Identification Card with a New Number 735‑062‑0135
Voluntary Surrender of Driving Privileges 735‑062‑0140
Proof of Completion of a Traffic Safety Education or Motorcycle Education Course 735‑062‑0160
Clearance Letter 735‑062‑0290
Issuance, Replacement or Renewal of Undercover Driver Licenses or Identification Cards to Law Enforcement Officials 735‑062‑0295
Fee for Real ID Credentials 735‑062‑0300
Purpose 735‑062‑0310
Definitions 735‑062‑0320
Special Limited Vision Condition Learner’s Permit 735‑062‑0330
Training Program for the Use of Bioptic Telescopic Lenses to Drive 735‑062‑0340
Qualifications to be Certified by DMV as a Rehabilitation Training Specialist 735‑062‑0350
Rehabilitation Training Specialist Certificates 735‑062‑0360
Regulation of Rehabilitation Specialists and Programs Offered 735‑062‑0370
Issuance of Certificate of Competency 735‑062‑0380
Issuance of a Permit or Driver License to a Person with a Limited Vision Condition 735‑062‑0385
Maintaining Qualification Under the Limited Vision Condition Program or Cancellation 735‑062‑0387
Hearing Following a Cancellation of Driving Privileges Issued to a Person with a Limited Vision Condition 735‑062‑0390
Driving Privileges without a Daylight Hours Restriction for Persons with a Limited Vision Condition